Icons embroidered with beads - the main differences and rules of church embroidery, needlework subtleties

The ancient art of beadwork is again on the edge of popularity today. Because of the special texture, variety of shapes, colors, decorative effect beaded embroidery endowed with indescribable beauty. Particular strength and nobility have icons, beaded.

Today this technique is available to the masses of needleworkers, though considered difficult. But recreating canonical images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, patron saints - apostles, saints, wonderworkers and martyrs is fascinating. Having tried this technique once, it will be very difficult to give up the hobby that will inevitably appear.

Peculiarities of embroidering icons

Beaded icons are so beautiful that they are equated with works of art and think that embroidering them is very difficult. Not so.

The choice of schemes and manufacturers is great, and you can find small size embroideries, uncomplicated, with little color, which for the first time will be very helpful. Under your patient hands will be born, bloom, shimmer and sparkle in the sun of biblical scenes.

Handmade icons - it's not just embroidery, it's a noble, godly activity. Their creation process requires a special approach and a special attitude.

Basic differences and rules of church embroidery

The secret of the beauty of beaded icons is their spiritual content, Christian doctrine in general and the heartfelt kindness and gentleness of the masters.

If you want to make a real beaded icon yourself, so that it will keep you, your loved ones, family home, your home or serve as a quick helper in matters for your friends, take with understanding and seriously to the canons of church embroidery.

While working on an icon you should:

  • Take up work only in good spirits.
  • During the embroidery do not think about bad things and do not wish anyone, even mentally, no evil. On the contrary, cultivate bright thoughts, think of good dreams, and already in the process the world will turn to you a better side.
  • That is why it is recommended to create icons for pregnant women, because they carry a living soul under their heart and through their motherhood they come closer to the Mother of God.
  • Keep the workplace and the embroidery process clean, do not leave anywhere, avoid noisy and crowded places.
  • It is not recommended for women to do needlework during critical days.
  • It is better to adhere to modesty and in food, observe a church fast.
  • Usually, beaded icons do not have embroidered faces and hands of saints, Jesus and the Virgin. They are applied with paint. That's why it's better to use ready-made kits for sewing. Especially since they already have a set of beads of all the necessary colors and a handy scheme.

If you decide to get serious about embroidering icons, then keep in mind that these icons can not be sold. They can only be presented as a gift or used by yourself as a shrine, with proper reverence.

When your work is ready and decorated, go to the nearest church for Liturgy or Vespers, pray, and after the main service, ask the priest to consecrate your creation.

It is even better if you yourself confess and receive Holy Communion before doing so. For those who are just interested in Orthodoxy and are making their first steps toward the true faith, we have specially provided the following section.

What to do before you begin

If you have decided to embroider icons from beads, it is best and correct to get a blessing from a priest. Father will certainly bless your aspirations and may even give you a wise counsel, mandatory for execution.

It will not be superfluous to show the temple scheme of future work, to make sure that it complies with church canons, so that later, when the work is ready, it will not be refused to be consecrated and you will not be disappointed that you took off just a pretty picture.

There is a special prayer before starting to embroider an icon with beads, which should be read when you first start the work. The prayer "Before the Beginning of Iconography" is a good one.

If you do not have this text handy, you can recite the Lord's Prayer or the Virgin Mary, Hail Mary, and ask the Lord or your saint to help you with your work.

During the sewing process and every time you take the work in your hands, you can and should also recite prayers.

Embroidery techniques and other needlework subtleties

The beadwork technique only looks complicated, in fact it is even a little easier than embroidering an ordinary cross. Of course, any needlework requires patience, care and perseverance.

Traditional embroidery technique (classical) is embroidered with horizontal rows of the same thread. On it the beads of a certain color are strung and changed depending on the scheme. The most important thing is to lay the beads evenly, make stitches from corner to corner in the same direction:

  • Odd rows - from the top left corner to the bottom right.
  • Even-numbered rows are from the bottom right to the top left corner.

There is a technique of "clip-on", when the needle is threaded with many beads at once and then fixed the entire row on the fabric. Very beautiful beaded satin stitch with bulk beads, rhinestones, pearls. It is usually used to decorate vestments and nimbuses of saints.

In Orthodoxy the color has symbolic meaning, for example, blue is the color of purity, it symbolizes the Mother of God, white is the color of purity of thought and holiness, red is the color of suffering and love, green is the color of life, black is the color of mourning and grief, gold means the Kingdom of Heaven.

These subtleties must be taken into account and applied correctly if you choose the colors of the beads yourself. Also pay attention to the marking that indicates its color and size. Beads from different manufacturers differ in quality and price.

Think in advance about what hoop you're going to work on. A small icon can simply be sewn by hand if you have experience and are confident that you won't pull the work down. Most prefabricated patterns are printed on a thick backing, duplicated with fleece.

Medium-sized images can be sewn on a regular round hoop. Remember that you can't move the work around in the hoop. You won't be able to hold the embroidered part with the clamp. Work on a larger scale will have to be attached to an embroidery frame.

For beads, it is better to use special cassette boxes for each color. The colors are clearly distinguishable and the holes are visible on the white fabric. To quickly thread beads for embroidery, you can lay a small portion of it on a white or light-colored handkerchief, cloth napkin.

For beads, the strength of the thread-base is important. Well behaved - do not get tangled and do not fray silk thin thread or a special line for embroidery. Unremarkable in the work is usually a white and beige shade of thread.

Popular icons of saints

Orthodox patron saints are our helpers and intercessors before God and in worldly matters. That is why name icons, such as beadwork icons of the martyrs Irene, Barabbas, Catherine, Mary, the prophet Elijah, the apostles Andrew the First-Called, Peter, Paul, St. John Chrysostom, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Basil the Great and many other saints glorified in Orthodoxy, are the most frequent.

An icon as a gift - in the tradition of Orthodox love

Pick up a beautiful frame for an icon embroidered with beads or order a decent frame in a picture frame shop. The icon will be a good gift for name days, Christmas, on other occasions.

Embroidered with beads by your own hands with bright thoughts, good hopes, selfless intentions, the icon has great spiritual power. It will become a family heirloom and will be passed down from generation to generation and remind your grandchildren and great-grandchildren of you.

God's help to you in all your endeavors!

Photo examples of icons made of beads

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