How to make an anti-stress at home - a master class and ways of what to make a soothing toy

There are constant stressful situations around us. The pace of modern life sometimes does not allow us to relax and as a consequence, stress accumulates and splashes out with tenfold force. You can notice the first "bells" that indicate the presence of stress:

  • Clacking of a pen;
  • tapping your fingers on the table;
  • twisting a lock of hair.

Everything indicates that our body is subconsciously trying to get rid of accumulated stress. Often all actions that are aimed at getting rid of the stress of us, creates discomfort for those around us. So how to be? If there is no desire to go shopping, it is worth thinking about how to make an anti-stress at home.Consider options that are possible to make at home, without wasting time looking for expensive components.

Anti-stress from a balloon

The easiest and requires no knowledge of geometry or chemistry. If you take different balloons, you will get very different results, so we will be guided by the filler.


It is better to take a colored ball or a characteristic shape (bunny with ears, elephant, etc.).

It is necessary, using a funnel, pour the flour into the ball and slightly crush it. Tie the ball and draw a funny face with a marker.


Note: Buckwheat is quite sharp (can prick if squeezed hard, and can even burst a thin ball. But it shows good massage properties. You can put it under your hand when you work at the computer for a long time).

Rice is more pleasant to rub between your fingers and makes a nice rustling sound.

Repeat the same action as with flour. A colored or shaped ball will do.

Styrofoam balls

Such balls are often used when transporting broken objects, if such did not turn out, you can break a piece of unnecessary foam, inside it consists of such balls, glued together. The filling of the ball is similar.

Non-Newtonian liquid

To make this liquid you need only water and starch.

We take 50 grams of starch, gradually add water and stir it. We bring it to the state of sour cream. If you add less water, the liquid will be harder for longer, so if you add a lot of water, the substance will be more pliable.

With the funnel we fill the ball, it will not be easy, the substance will "resist", just let it run quietly down the funnel inside.


Don't be intimidated by the scary word. Orbiz are balls that are water-soaked. They are often used for vases. If your vase doesn't have them, you can buy them at a florist or stationery store.

A transparent balloon is better suited for creating this variation. Stretch the neck of the balloon and one by one throw in, tie and done.

Slime .

For this toy is suitable purchase slime or you can make it yourself. It is better to use a round ball. Fill the ball with slime and tie it. If you use a mesh (toys are packed in it), the antestress is even more interesting.

Slime with their own hands

The slime, as an independent anti-stress, is also quite interesting. The minus is that he gets his hands a little dirty. Let's present a few options that can be made from improvised materials.

Based on shampoo.

We will need:

  • shampoo;
  • any glitter;
  • Titanium glue.

Combine shampoo and glitter, mix thoroughly, add glue and mix again until a smooth texture is formed.

Shaving Foam Base

We will need:

  • Shaving foam (about 400 grams);
  • 20 grams of borax (can be bought at the drugstore);
  • 1 pack of PVA glue;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • sequins or coloring agent.

Bring water to a boil, and then dilute the borax in it. Introduce all the remaining components. Stir until homogeneous.

Handgum (hand gum)

This is a kind of slime. It is more dense and looks like plasticine.

  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1 tube of silicate glue;
  • dye.

Pour the glue and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a container and mix everything thoroughly. Drop a few drops of dye (you can use gouache or food coloring). Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of baking soda and knead until it thickens. Knead the mixture until it is no longer sticky to your hands.


More recently, anti-stress squashes have become popular.

Squashes are small soft toys that are pleasant to the touch. Often presented in the form of animals or food with a muzzle.

Air plasticine.

If you have air plasticine, you can use it to make a cute little animal or donut. Take the clay of the desired color and form the desired shape (it can consist of several parts). Do not forget to draw a muzzle. After drying, the toy will return to its original shape. It is very pleasant to the touch.

Sponge for dishes

As the basis for taking a new sponge for dishes. Use scissors to cut off the excess and draw the face with a marker. The easiest is SpongeBob.


There are several options on how to make anti-stress from paper, the squashes are considered more simple.

We need:

  • A squashie template (donut, cactus, pony, etc.);
  • duct tape;
  • stuffing (absorbent cotton).

Printed out the template or drawn by hand, cut out the outline. Glue it with scotch tape, so that the layers of scotch tape are not on top of each other. Make the same second part, you can use plain paper. Glue the two parts together with tape, leaving a hole for filling. It is better to use dry filler. The slightest moisture will soak the toy.

Origami anti-stress

If you like origami, you can fold an anti-stress of origami-transformer. The essence of these figures in the folding and unfolding figures. Cyclicity of folding leads to the same figure.

Antistress out of fabric.

You can take a sock with an animal pattern or a few pieces of fabric as a base. It is necessary to sew a small toy and fill it with a rustling filler. We fill it with dry fillers: rice, buckwheat, styrofoam balls or pieces of fabric.

There are a lot of options for making such a pretty thing, everything is limited only by imagination. If you figure out how to make an anti-stress with your own hands, you will have a wonderful toy that gives not only aesthetic pleasure, but also calmness and relaxation.

Photo ideas for making home-made anti-stress

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