Handmade Carnival Masks - techniques and best templates for making masks
Carnival mask is an important accessory of any celebration with the amazing atmosphere of carnival. The symbol of transformation, embodied in the mask, will help to create a truly festive mood. This attribute has an incredibly rich history.
Today it is associated with a brilliant, noisy performance - Venice Carnival, as well as the holiday of Halloween. It is not difficult to buy a mask that is suitable for a particular occasion. In specialized stores a wide range of children's, women's and men's masks for different occasions.
This Venetian Carnival masks, which have quite a recognizable style, plastic types, masks in the form of stockings, realistic masks of thin rubber. By the way these items can become an original decoration of the holiday interior. However, much more attractive masks made by hand. In addition, the process itself will bring a lot of positive emotions.
What do you need to know about making masks?
It is extremely important, when starting to work, to have a chosen costume. Only under the finished product sample should be selected mask. At first you need to stock up on all the necessary components, tools and additional materials. It is better to begin making this item in advance, not on the eve of the event, and to involve all family members in creating the image (unless it is a surprise).
Ways to create the attribute:
The festive accessory is quite possible to make yourself, using different material that will be at hand:
- cardboard;
- papier-mache;
- Different segments of soft fabric;
- Special plasticine (sold in stores);
- plaster.
The suggested ways of working are easy, uncomplicated, inexpensive methods.
Charming attribute from a paper stencil
Made on the template with their own hands carnival masks - an option that will interest with the simplicity of production and frugality in the financial sense. It is necessary to prepare:
- selected from the huge number of examples provided on special sites, the template of the mask you like, or draw it yourself;
- Heavy paper and not too thick cardboard;
- Appropriate tools for work;
- paints, gouache;
- ingredients for decoration.
Step by step execution:
- The cut out template is firmly glued to the cardboard. This will later help keep the mask in its original form.
- Paint the product.
- The mask should be cut out only when it is completely dry.
- On the edges make holes with a thick awl for the mask holder (ties, rubber band, etc.). It is not superfluous to strengthen the holes around the holes with duct tape to create the strength of the product.
- Tie the mask with the necessary length and make the ends with small knots.
- Decorate the mask by choosing appropriate decorative accessories.
Object made of special paste
The entire creative process will take a sufficient amount of time, so you need to start the work a few days before the event. For this accessory you will need:
- base-mass, it is better to take white color, since in the future will be painted;
- a stencil of the image; stabbing and cutting tools;
- layout;
- acrylic paints;
- jewelry set.
How to make such a mask:
- Select and cut out a mask pattern from paper.
- Prepare the molding. It is necessary to roll it thinly enough (less than 4 millimeters in thickness). It is possible to use an ordinary rolling pin.
- From the resulting dough to make a shape. To do this, put a paper template on top of a thin sheet, cut out the contour of the mask with a sharp knife. Be sure to make the necessary holes.
- Carefully and as gently as possible lift the cut out figure and cover the layout with it. Leave for 24 hours for complete hardening of the mass.
- Do not use any device for drying, it should dry naturally. Any heating will deform it.
- At your discretion, paint the product. If this piece is intended for a New Year's masquerade, it is better to take the colors of the symbol of the coming year.
- Additional decorations can be convex decorative elements from the same mass, or beads, rhinestones and other interesting materials.
In this process, special attention should be paid to making a mannequin head. At first glance, this action may be a bit shocking, but, having made the base in this way, later it will be possible to make any mask.
- Put thin tights on the head, cut a hole for breathing and gradually tape the entire head. You can't do without help at this stage.
- Applying tape in several layers, carefully cut the shape from behind. If the hair is long, it is worth putting on a swim cap beforehand.
- The cut on the removed form is also tightly sealed with scotch tape.
- Fill the ready base with the material with which it is more usual to work. This can be plaster, assembly foam, clay. It is better to set the model on a pedestal, so it will be more convenient to handle it.
- The dummy should be poured gradually, in portions. After filling the front part, leave it to harden. In this way make the entire mold. In this case, the mannequin will come out a quality object, and will not deform.
- It is better to dry the template on a soft cloth.
- The last step is to think of an image and implement it in reality, modeling on the resulting form.
Obviously, it is possible to prepare the base quickly and easily. Subsequently, it will be an excellent aid for the manufacture of various carnival masks.
Carnival masks from papier-mache
This technique is quite accessible even to children. It will be very right to involve them in the creation of an exclusive holiday attribute. What should prepare:
- An ordinary balloon, which, when inflated, acquires an exceptionally round shape:
- Adhesive, a softening agent (children's cream or Vaseline), water;
- soft paper;
- Brushes, paints, a knife, scissors.
The following sequence should be followed when creating an object:
- Inflate the balloon so that it corresponds in size to a certain size.
- Prepare the necessary ingredients for the papier-mâché technique: small paper scraps and adhesive solution.
- Apply a thin layer of cream or vaseline on the prepared ball. This should be done so that the paper scraps will not stick to the rubber base.
- Each scrap of paper, having smeared it in the mixture, should be glued on the surface of the ball. Arrange in such a way that the pieces completely, without gaps, cover the base.
- There should be at least four layers of coating, after creating each cover, it is worth leaving the product to dry. After the last row, let the resulting form dry completely. The dry base is easily pierced with a needle.
- Gently prick the ball under the paper cover.
- This step should be approached with full responsibility: with a stationery knife, carefully cut the product into even halves, make appropriate holes - eyes, nostrils, mouth and on the sides for the elastic band. In the case when the mask is prepared for mom or dad, you can stop at the gaps only for the eyes and ties. The child just needs the extra gaps. They will help create comfort in the baby's fun.
- All imperfections or formed flaws need to be carefully cleaned up with sandpaper.
- The final creative stage is the creative imagination of the master.
Carnival masks, made with their own hands in the technique of papier-mâché, will be an unsurpassed addition to the masquerade costume for both children and their parents.
Fabric mask
It is worth paying attention to another very tempting way of making a mask for a masquerade. It is not complicated. For those who have a little knowledge of basic tailoring and sewing, in general, it is simple and easy. This option is a great colorful addition to a child's costume. You can sew the holiday attribute using a sewing machine, as well as by hand. It is important to choose the right material-base and the right tools:
- synthetic knitted fabric;
- templates - patterns;
- a complete set for sewing and needlework.
Making steps:
- Lay template on material, trace outline, cut out two masks.
- Stitch the trim to one part of the mask.
- Both parts to sew, turn out, do not forget about the holes.
- In the finished product to put a tie and once again make a stitch around the edge of the product.
- Decorate in the same style as the costume, creating a wonderful ensemble.
In various publications on tailoring masquerade costumes you can pick up different templates for carnival masks for girls and boys and make them out of fabric with your own hands. Such paraphernalia can also be made on a stick.
Such a variation is acceptable in a specific situation, not intended for permanent wear. Creating a unique masterpiece, you should follow all the advice and recommendations of professionals, if possible, it is better to attend classes to improve practical skills.
Carnival masks and New Year's Eve
In our country, costume celebrations (corporate events and children's matinees) are associated with New Year's entertainment. Used masquerade masks can be divided into several categories:
- classic Venetian creations;
- a wide range of products of festive decoration;
- role-playing items;
- humorous, fun accessories;
- children's masks of different ages;
- horror masks (worn most often on the day of the Halloween celebration);
- individual overhead accessories.
Choosing your option, you should take into account such nuances as the stylistics of the party, personal individual preferences, and most importantly, who will wear a particular mask. By following these recommendations, everyone involved in the fun will feel comfortable and fully enjoy the holiday.