How to make a pond step by step on a suburban plot - options of ponds, the stages of creation, the rules of care

Household territory is decorated with flowerbeds of all kinds of forms, garden paths and paths, alpine hills and decorative sculptures. To balance the balance of greenery and flowers with decorative components will help any artificial water body, and if there is not even a stream on the territory you can make a pond with your own hands.

Such an element is sure to bring a highlight in the composition of landscape design and increase the level of harmony and aesthetics of decoration of the territory. The process of creating a stylish and original decoration is not complicated, but during the independent arrangement of the pond, it is better to adhere to all recommendations and stages of construction.

The right choice of location for the placement of the pond on the plot

Create a pond on the dacha with their own hands is not difficult the realization of the dream can be carried out for a few weeks of hard work. The process of arrangement should begin with the development of a project and the choice of ideas, which should be perfectly combined with the landscape composition and design of the design of the entire plot:

  • for the pond is suitable for an open area located away from large trees, their roots can damage the bottom, and the leaves will settle at the bottom of the pond;
  • distance from the sunny side will help to avoid constant overheating of the water and the reproduction of microorganisms in it, rapid evaporation of liquid from the surface of the pond;
  • The site under the pond should be sufficiently spacious, later the pond can be expanded or to equip its territory with a zone of comfortable recreation.

To decorate the pond are used bridges and fountains, on the shore of a mono arrange a playground for children or recreation area. In the pond you can place decorative fish or plant water-loving and aquatic plants in special containers for landscaping.

Important: The pond is a complete ecosystem with interconnected elements and without the right place, it can turn into a big puddle. In addition to the right choice of location and competent arrangement, it is necessary to think through a plan of care and prevention, ensuring cleanliness and order.

Quality and durable base for the future of the pond

The main and most difficult work required for the arrangement of the work is digging an excavation, which is subsequently covered with a dense material. It should not let moisture, have the characteristics of maximum density and wear resistance, resistance to mechanical and physical damage.

PVC film is an inexpensive and effective alternative to ready-made plastic or polymeric containers and the process of concreting the pit. Both options are unreasonably expensive, especially if the pond is arranged in the country or suburban area, where the family spends only a few months a year.

Using a PVC film can create artificial ponds of various shapes, even the most bizarre and intricate geometries. Especially attractive look multilevel structures in the form of a drop with rounded banks, and the form can be chosen according to the landscape features of the site.

Important: Arranging the pond on the garden plot of a house, it is better to use a plastic tray or fill the excavation with concrete. This will avoid a situation where every 5-7 years you need to lower the water and change the film, but will not make regular and preventive care of the pond less time consuming.

Stages of creation and arrangement of a small pond on the site

Creating a pond on the site with their own hands should think about its shape and location, for this you can use the photos of already implemented projects. Drawing your sketch and calculating the amount of material required, the amount of construction work, you can safely proceed to the realization of the dream.

Preparing the excavation

With the sketch in the appropriate scale are transferred marks and contours of the future body of water, on which the excavation of the pit is made. For this process, you can use a manual method or hire special equipment, a small motorized machine with attachments suitable for digging. At the bottom of the excavation is laid a sand cushion, but the resulting soil can be used in the greenhouse, for the arrangement of garden beds or in the garden.

Important: After the pit is dug, it is necessary to carefully level its bottom and side walls, removing stones with sharp edges. Under the pressure of the liquid, they can break the film or damage the polymer container, which will lead to leaks and rapid drying of the artificial pond.

Laying the PVC film

To fix the film is very simple, and for its fixation use a few bricks, and so they do not burst the material, it is better to wrap them in a cloth. To fix the film around the perimeter of the pond, a shallow trench is dug (10-15 cm), trimmed edges are tucked into it, the trench is filled with soil and pebbles.

It is better not to hurry to cut the edges, the material spreads for 2-3 days and after it takes the shape of the pit, you can secure it with stones and trim an allowance of 25-30 cm.

Filling and decorating

To fill the artificial pond, the most ordinary water is used, it is better if it will not be chlorinated liquid from a well or artesian well. You can decorate the pond with aquatic plants, which grow quite quickly and can cover the entire area of the water. And to prevent this from happening in the pond settle the fish, they actively destroy vegetation in the process of life than regulate the ecological balance of a small ecosystem.

How to properly care for the pond and prepare it for wintertime

Artificial pond needs maintenance, it should be cleaned regularly, and the plants should be removed for the winter, the fish should be fished out and transplanted into the aquarium. To automate water purification and aeration, you can install special submersible filters and if the water level drops, refill the liquid to the required level.

In cold regions, the pond is drained for the winter by pumping out the water completely, so that the frozen ice does not damage the film or polymer tray. And if you decide not to get rid of the liquid, you should choose a dense and hard-wearing material to cover the pond, which will prevent clogging.

To decorate the plot you can equip a pond in the country house with their own hands, such landscape ideas will help to transform and beautify the area. On a hot day from the pond will reek of coolness, and during the holidays you can admire the lush vegetation and the living inhabitants of the artificial pond. If around the pond to install sun loungers or put a viewable gazebo, then such a recreational area will certainly like the owners themselves and their guests.

Photo ideas of beautiful homemade ponds

Tips to read


