Daisies out of paper with their own hands in different techniques: design options and detailed instructions

Preschoolers and elementary school students like to make different crafts. This helps them learn about the world around them and show their creative abilities.

The easiest and most accessible material is paper. From it you can make a variety of flowers. This theme is very attractive to kids, as they all collected them in the meadow.

The chamomile field evokes unforgettable impressions! When making it, you can use colored or corrugated paper, as well as apply the technique of quilling, where the basis are curled parts, or origami.


In kindergarten, one of the most common activities is to create daisy templates to cut out of paper and then apply to a smooth surface. Children do most of the work by themselves, with the exception of only a little help from the tutor.

The whole process consists of tracing the blanks, cutting them out and gluing them together. You can draw them yourself or take a ready-made sample. Then the fragments are connected into a single composition.

What will be needed

Most often it is a standard set of materials:

  • White paper of A4 format.
  • Colored cardboard, further serving as the basis.
  • 2 sheets of paper - green and yellow.
  • Tools - scissors, glue, pencil.
  • Decorative elements for decoration.

With such a minimal composition, you can make a wonderful handicraft, which is later presented as a gift or kept at home.

Making flowers

Step by step instructions:

  1. Take a white sheet and draw a petal of a daisy.
  2. Copy - it is necessary to trace and cut out up to 18 exactly the same size parts.
  3. On yellow paper for the middle of the flower with a pencil outline a coin.
  4. The resulting element is cut out.
  5. Similarly, prepare 9 green petals and stems.
  6. Finally, the design should be assembled to form a flower and glue to the cardboard.


To leaf look more believable, they can be twisted on a pencil and the petals are cut from green paper two-sided color.

Origami Style

This technique produces magnificent daisies from colored paper.

Need to prepare in advance the following accessories:

  • Sheets of paper of white, yellow, orange and green colors.
  • A straw for drinks.
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.

For the middle piece.

Make 30 colored modules of equal size. In the middle are placed orange and yellow shades. For the petals you need to prepare 60 pieces of white. Form a flower in which all the components are glued together.

Each part is placed in the previous row, so that all the elements were faced with the hypotenuse to the bottom side.

For the stem

On the green sheet draw strips of 2 cm, then they are cut out. They are glued to the tube, which previously applied glue. From the same paper make leaves. The stem is glued to the flower. A peculiarity of performance is that the previous component is strung on the next, as in a construction set.

On the Internet you can read the photos, which will clearly demonstrate how it should actually look like. When executed carefully and diligently, the work looks original!

Bouquet of daisies made of crepe

Due to the fact that the material is extremely fragile, you will need to be careful and take your time to follow the rules of execution. The corrugated paper daisy looks very natural and gentle.

It has a special dense texture, which allows you to make figures similar to the real ones. It is necessary in advance to stock up on colorful sheets, a piece of wire, scissors and glue, as well as gift wrapping paper to create a bouquet and satin ribbon.

Step by step instructions:

  1. For the leaves, cut squares of white paper.
  2. Prepare several parts of yellow crepe.
  3. Each element of the future flower composition warm with a hot iron.
  4. Not yet cooled, they are slightly bent at the edges and released to give the outline corresponding to the flower.
  5. Around the circle of yellow circles glued leaves.
  6. Stem made of wire wrapped with paper, in some areas apply glue.
  7. For packaging a bouquet is placed on a diamond-shaped paper for gifts.
  8. Stems are placed inside the leaf, and the inflorescences are left in plain sight.


For the purpose of decoration, you can use small beads, which are selectively attached to the leaves with glue. From the ribbon make a bow, stapled together with a stapler.

Dimensional flowers from cardboard

Parents and children may be interested in how to make a volumetric daisy from paper. As in the previous options, it will be necessary to use templates for the petals, which are prepared in advance. The basis for the craft is a cardboard sheet.

Detailed implementation:

  1. Using the prepared outline, cut out the petals and the central part.
  2. Elements are bent at a slight angle.
  3. To the base, a round core is attached with glue, and around the leaves in the lower third, leaving the bent part free.

Such a model is ideal for decorating a postcard.


Paper daisy crafts with their own hands can find a practical application. Surely the child will love the bookmark, which he will be happy to put in a textbook or book.


On the table should be:

  • A sheet of cardboard.
  • Colored paper.
  • Paints with brushes.
  • Transparent varnish.
  • Glue, scissors.
  • Beads or rhinestones for decoration.


In advance, according to available templates cut out cardboard and paper blanks. The colored part is glued to cardboard, decorated and varnished with a colorless compound. For the bookmark to be usable, it should be dried.

Such a handicraft is very expensive, since it is handmade. It is especially nice that it is self-made, requiring diligence, effort and patience.

Products in the form of daisies look truly unique, pleasing to the eye. This flower is both simple and amazingly beautiful.

They can be used in exhibitions at school, as decorations, as part of paintings or applications. Volumetric options in a vase, placed on the coffee table, will bring "zest" to the interior!

Photo of homemade volumetric daisies

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