Beaded Trinkets with Beads on Your Hands - Diagrams of Light Bulky Trinkets, Good Tips for Beginners, Effective Photos
Beading is a very captivating and interesting occupation, besides it does not take much time, but requires accuracy and assiduity. This craft has enticed many people around the world. Need only have the right materials, and you can make your own hands as simple or complex jewelry.
Tools and materials
To work with the products you will need beads of different colors. The most popular are Czech and Japanese production, which has a uniform color and excellent quality. In some cases, a certain size and shape of beads and faceted crystals may be useful.
As auxiliary tools and materials you need to prepare:
- monofilament;
- fishing line;
- synthetic thread;
- wire;
- scissors;
- rubber band;
- special needle;
- tweezers;
- small pliers;
- ruler;
- a plate;
- napkins;
- a scrap of cloth;
- cellophane or sintepon.
In addition, you will need:
- small carabiners;
- chains;
- clasps;
- buttons;
- rings;
- laces;
- tassels;
- ribbons.
For beginners in beadwork, diagrams of key rings with step-by-step instructions will be useful.
Weaving variations
Thanks to the technique of weaving with the use of beads, you can make flat, as well as volumetric trinkets. Each product has its own scheme and technique.
Flat crafts
Flat products are created by the method of brick weaving, thus we get strong and beautiful trinkets. It is recommended to use beads of excellent quality. Since the beads must be docked tightly together.
Three-dimensional crafts
Three-dimensional trinkets created by mosaic or parallel method of weaving, where the beads are located vertically. Here wire is used as a frame.
For beginners in beadwork, it is desirable to make a lesson plan for beadwork trinkets from beads.
For beginners
To try your handicraft abilities, it is better to start with easy products. First of all, you need to choose the simplest schemes. You can start by weaving badges, such work does not take much time and is quite simple.
Making badges will help to quickly master the technique of beadwork. On these products can depict anything: the inscription, geometric and vegetal patterns, etc., you need only properly think through and draw a scheme.
Charms can be created from small beads, only in miniature. For such items it is recommended to use the ndebele technique, so the toys will look more attractive and neat. Such a technique is versatile, it can be used to create almost any article of beadwork.
The most popular themes in needlework is the animal world, namely animals, birds or fish. With such images breloques turn out cute and with a special warmth. Even the volumetric making of a fox from beads is very attractive, not to mention the products with exotic creatures.
The most favorite images are: cats, dogs and owls. Of the rare individuals: parrot, sea predators, snakes or lizards.
Brick weaving
But still for the manufacture of trinkets most suitable technique of brick weaving, in addition it is easily learned by beginners. With this technique, you can get into all the details of bead weaving and learn the correctness of all the actions performed, even creating complex shapes.
Despite the ease of execution, the products made by this method look very attractive.
Weaving keychains from beads for beginners is also possible by other methods. Some of them require the use of a special device.
Master classes .
For each piece to fit correctly in its place and harmoniously fit into the overall ornament, it is necessary to acquire some experience. For beginners, it is advisable to read the master classes, where the whole process of making trinkets is described and shown step by step.
For a starfish keychain, you will need beads of any two colors.
Working process:
- Thread the fishing line through five beads of the same color and loop the row;
- Add five more elements and, completing the row, pass through two beads, you should get a five-pointed star;
- The third row weave a similar scheme, but adding two more beads;
- make rays, for this you need to attach two beads in turn, after one to close the circle;
- The fifth row should consist of two beads, and between them add one after the other;
- continue according to the scheme, increasing the rays up to six pairs of elements, also adding beads between them;
- The last row should be made so that the rays turned out pointed, putting, for this purpose, one bead at a time on the ends of the star;
- Attach a chain with a ring to the finished starfish.
To make a charm in the form of a fish need beads #10 Czech production. This souvenir is performed in the technique of weaving a brick, so the keyring turns out more volumetric. First, you need to weave two halves of the fish, then using a fishing line to connect them, beads of golden color to make the fins and sew in places designed for them.
To make it you will need:
- fine needle;
- fishing line of thickness 0.2 mm;
- beads, suitable colors;
- ring for trinkets;
- scissors.
To create a fish, you need:
- String six beads in the first row, following the scheme (weave in parallel, starting from the bottom);
- between the elements of the first row place the following six beads;
- All subsequent rows to weave in the same way, sticking to the scheme;
- Use a fishing line to sew both parts of the fish;
- Attach a ring.
A very common version of the trinket - a heart. Such a craft can be presented as a gift to a loved one, especially on Valentine's Day.
It should be noted that such products look great in any color. The method of weaving used is quite simple - a cross on two threads. It is necessary to weave two hearts and connect them with faceted beads.
The work consists of the following, it is necessary:
- thread three red beads on a thin needle;
- In the loop made thread again through the first two elements;
- Add two more, pull the thread through the previous two beads;
- fix the workpiece by threading the string through the last bead;
- through the next bead, pass the thread under the same loop and pass it through the previous loop;
- thread two beads in a row into the loop of the previous row, and into the second two in turn. The row should be four pieces;
- then perform the work in the same way, increasing each next loop by one bead. As a result should get a figure of six beads in a row;
- Then thread five beads, skip one loop of the row and insert the needle into the third bead from the edge. Do the same on the other side;
- Complete the outline by threading one bead at a time;
- To complete the work, you need to pass the thread through the entire perimeter of the product, make a loop and provide it with a lock.
Beaded trinkets are not difficult to weave with your own hands, besides it does not take much time. Even a beginner in this business, after making a couple of rows of crafts, will be able to quickly get into the process of making crafts.