Beaded Flowers by hand - step by step master classes for novice and experienced craftswomen
Beading is experiencing a second wave of popularity among the female population. Among the ladies is very popular weaving flowers from beads with their own hands. This kind of needlework can be a great hobby, which does not require special skills and abilities.
In addition, handicrafts can be the original holiday gift or accentuate the interior and indicate the individuality of the owner of the craft. In this article we will present all the nuances and take apart the master classes of weaving flowers from beads.
Standard set of tools and materials.
A standard list of necessities for beginner needleworkers:
- Beads.
- String or wire.
- Scissors.
- Embellishments.
- Thread and fabric.
- Needles.
If the flower is to be stable, then copper wire is often used to make the flower.
Another choice between fishing line or wire depends on what size the beads are, for large beads fishing line will not work. The flower stalk is always made of wire, then works the imagination of the artist.
Weaving techniques.
When making flowers from beads two techniques are used: parallel and French.
A parallel technique is used to create small flowers, such as campanula and lily of the valley. French technique is used to create petals of different shapes.
Tips from professionals.
A few tips that professionals give to beginners:
- Make sure all the material is of good quality before you start.
- If you are using cotton threads, you should wax them.
- Use a small cloth or napkin for the convenience of working with beads.
- Do not take too long a thread to work with, no more than 1 meter.
- Use a needle to thread the beads.
- Keep the beads sorted in their boxes.
- Before working, take care that the place of work is well lit.
These simple tips will help you simplify your work and make it more comfortable.
Master Classes.
In this section, various schemes of making flowers from beads will be considered.
Weaving a rose.
The necessary components:
- Beads of pink and green.
- Wire with a diameter not exceeding 0.3 mm.
- Thread.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
- Wooden skewer.
- Plasticine.
Weaving process:
- A 30 centimeter section of wire is measured.
- A loop is formed so that the beads do not slip while working.
- On the short part of the resulting base string 9 beads.
- On the long part of the 80-85 beads are threaded, makes 3 turns around the short base.
- To make the petal stable, pull the ends of the wire through 3 beads in the middle. Make 3 more petals.
- After that measure a wire of 50 centimeters, all according to the same scheme, but make not 3, and 5 turns. Eight such petals are made.
- Each petal is slightly bent.
To make the leaves for the rose we need a wire length of 20 centimeters. On the short part of the planted 5 beads on a long 40, made two turns. On the upper end of the wire, 4 beads are planted on each side. Large leaves are made at random, as convenient to the master.
Small and large leaves are attached to a wooden skewer, and then imposed on the bud. The skewer should be wrapped with green thread before starting the procedure.
Cactus with flowers.
This beautiful cactus turns out practically like a living cactus. It even has its own advantages, it does not need to be watered.
The base.
From a piece of Styrofoam using an ordinary office knife, cut out a shape for the future cactus. After the base should be painted green.
We take green beads and 0.3 mm wire. On the wire you have to put 10 beads, and then the first five beads are wrapped around the second one and you get an oval ring. Leave a reserve at the top and bottom, 1 centimeter at the top and about 4 centimeters at the bottom.
Following the same pattern, other rings are made, they are combined with each other and you get a thorn. Spikes are poked into the foam.
For flowers need wire 0.3 mm and yellow and pink beads. Flowers consist of loops connected to each other and gathered into a bundle. How big the flowers will be, it is up to the artist to decide. Approximate sizes of flowers:
- Small 10-12 loops.
- Medium 10-20 loops.
- Large 20 or more.
Making a cactus is a very painstaking job, because you have to make many small elements, but the result is worth it.
A branch of lilacs.
This flower will turn out very lush, so it will be a nice addition to the interior.
Necessary components:
- Beads of pink and green color.
- Thread.
- Wire 0.3 mm.
- Green ribbon.
- Green glass beads.
- Scissors.
- Pliers.
- Alabaster.
- The pot for the flower.
The process of making:
- We take a wire of 50 centimeters, 5 beads are put on it, from which a loop is formed at a distance of 10 centimeters from the edge.
- Following the same pattern 3 other loops are made, which are fastened together by glass beads. The first lilac flower is ready.
- Another 8 such petals are made, and then they are connected to each other and fastened with a thick wire. The base of the inflorescence is wrapped with green thread or ribbon.
- To get a lush lilac, you have to work hard and make another 30-40 such inflorescences. The work is very time-consuming and painstaking.
- Beads of green color are picked up on the wire, and then using an auxiliary wire wrapped at the base 15 times. It turns out the petal.
- To strengthen the petal, you need to wrap its base wire, and then its entire stem is wrapped with green thread.
- In staggered order from the petals formed sprigs.
- After that, assemble all the components together and pour into a small pot of alabaster and set the whole construction.
Hairpin in the form of a flower.
Components needed:
- Red and gold colored beads.
- Thread.
- Needle.
- Crystal rondels and felt.
- Small stone.
The process of making:
- The stone is glued to the felt and begins trimmed with gold beads on a back-needle stitch every 2 beads.
- Then used on a mosaic stitch.
- After you cover the main part of the stone, the number of beads in the circle begins to decrease.
- From the felt we cut out the base for the flowers.
- The petals are lined with red beads, with one gold bead around the edge.
- Crystal rondels are attached to the middle of the petal.
- Ties around the edges of the petals are trimmed with gold beads.
The beads make a very beautiful and unusual work. It is quite a laborious, sometimes even tedious task, but the emotion of the result will cover all expenses. Beading can be done at any age, the main thing is to use your imagination and experiment.