Ideas for a personal diary (PD): drawings, pictures, printouts and modern ideas
Everyone has secret thoughts that nobody wants to share with anybody, but still there is a need to speak out. In such cases a personal diary can help.
In the world of stationery there is a huge number of diaries for personal notes, but it is better to make one yourself.
The process of creating a diary
A personal diary is a notebook or a notebook in which the most important things are stated. Some people associate it with a strict daily routine, others see it as a silent friend, others see it as a habit developed over the years. Everyone finds in it something unique.
The stage of creating a personal memoir begins with turning on the imagination to the max. Cute and neat in appearance, the notebook will become a true friend, a silent interlocutor, able to keep secrets and secrets.
Forming original pages
Choose the optimal color scheme, the required number of sheets. Colors can be different - from light to dark tones; With scissors, you can give a different shape to the pages, complement them with delicate lace or rounded; Selecting the title page for the diary, give preference to dense materials; Penetrator perform two holes on the left side, put through it two rings to connect the pages. If there are no rings, you can tie the pages with a nice ribbon; To create the pages, buy a ready-made notebook and create a creative design.
Diary design options
To the question of the external design of the diary it is desirable to approach with all seriousness. You can decorate the pages with original drawings. In addition to external beauty, distinguish the internal content of the diary:
Quotes and innermost thoughts; Plans and "wants" for the future; Important dates; Pressing days; Lovely memories; Pictures.
Then you can supplement the content as you see fit. Sections can be anything you want, as long as it meets your personal needs. On separate pages you can fix cute envelopes for photos and keeping ready-made notes. You can come up with a single diary or make several copies devoted to a particular theme:
My Family's Weekdays; My Baby; My Career; Personal Thoughts.
Original diary design
We present the simplest and most creative ideas for decorating a personal diary:
Make cute appliques from improvised materials: openwork ribbons, beads, catchy colored paper; Use as a basis catchy newspaper clippings; Create cute birds, butterflies and bows, using modern origami technique; The pages can be decorated with frames of various kinds and shapes; Decorate the cover in accordance with the selected theme.
Cute personal diary for girls
Every girl in life there comes a time when there is a desire to express all the innermost that is in the soul. That's when modern ideas for a personal diary for girls are useful:
- The option with the use of office paper is a simple and quick way to create a diary for a girl. The design here is made on the basis of personal preferences, the sheets are connected with a catchy ribbon, tying it with a large bow. The cover is decorated with an inscription or an original drawing. For the diary to be sturdy and to last a long time, it is recommended to laminate the title page and the final page;
- Transforming a ready-made notebook - for this purpose a ready-made notebook is purchased. On the pages are glued ready-made clippings from magazines, made bright bookmarks for fixing important information, pages are colored depending on the mood;
- Nice design of a diary in the style of origami - on the cover you can glue an original bow or heart made of ribbons, decorated with rhinestones or beads, on the important pages you can glue envelopes for notes, smileys, postcards, make bookmarks of various shapes.
For girls are suitable notepads in pink colors, filled with bright clippings from local magazines, with scented pages, selfies of famous actors. This is the land of young girls' dreams and reveries, it is protected, not left unattended. Woven bookmarks, bows and original ribbons, envelopes with nice trinkets - everything here is so meaningful and unique.
Tips for creating a personal diary
Create your diary using easy and simple ideas for a personal diary. You don't have to describe everything in a diary in a long and thorough way. Dedicate those pages, designed with so much love and inspiration, dedicate it to a topic you really love. A great option would be themed pages with cute drawings. This looks very unusual and allows you to separate the entries from each other.
Lettering has been universally loved and recognized lately. Certainly, beginners in the beginning will not come out so nice and graceful, as experts in their business, but after training the result will surely come. In the diary, you can allocate space for creating motivational notes. It will look stylish.
Keeping a personal diary is a fascinating process, many people see it as a certain hobby, because you can create original pages with unique decorations with your own hands, describe in the diary all the important moments that you consider necessary.
The diary can also be used for learning a foreign language. Start with simple actions by filling in a personal diary in English. Thanks to these simple actions, you can quickly master a basic set of words, then it will be much easier to move on to the next stage of learning.
Write memorable and events on the pages in a special way, expressing your emotions in relation to it. Record in your piggy bank thoughts of wise people, motivational messages.
Scientifically proven that the systematic keeping of a diary improves his physical condition, keeping in tone. Therefore, for those who doubt the expediency and practicality of keeping a diary, it is necessary to start creating one.
Using catchy stickers, original sketches, creative elements - all these ideas will turn creating and filling out a diary into a real hobby that will inspire and encourage for a long period of time.
Thanks to original ideas, your own imagination and simple materials that are always at hand, you can get a real work of art. Systematic filling of the diary promotes self-organization, a beautiful presentation of your own thoughts develops the skills of a writer, drawings reveal hidden potential, instills the desire for creativity.