Needle holder with your own hands - original ideas and simple master-classes for beginners

It is important for every housewife to have order everywhere in the house. Especially it concerns the favorite sphere of activity of every representative of the fair sex - needlework. Accurately store small details for creativity help convenient and practical accessories: boxes for ribbons and thread, jars for buttons and pins, soft and colorful needle holders.

In any store of useful things for needlework you can find a huge number of original needle holders for all tastes, but the most expensive and favorite accessory will always be the one made by yourself.

Bright unique product can be kept for yourself or give someone as an original souvenir. To understand how to make a needle holder with your own hands, it is enough to get acquainted with some recommendations and view the master class. Created with your own hands, the decorative thing will not only decorate the interior, but also help in the work and creativity.

A simple cushion

Start creating original things should be from simple to complex. The best option for the first product will be an ordinary needle-pillow. It will be easy to make a pattern and sew it, even for a novice needlewoman.

Square needle-pillow-holder

To create the simplest product you will need:

  • 2 fabric scraps 7x7 cm;
  • needle;
  • A thread, matching the color;
  • Hemp, cotton or a special filler.

Before you begin, the fabric should be thoroughly ironed. Then both flaps should be folded face inward and stitched three sides with a sewing machine. The next step is to turn out the resulting pouch and stuff it with the substance prepared for filling. The work is completed by hand sewing a countersunk stitch on the fourth side.

Round needlepoint

This product is already a little more complicated. To the necessary details for the manufacture, a circle of cardboard is added. It will be the basis of the needle case. Next, a circle is cut out of the fabric, exceeding the size of the basis in 2 times. Wrapping the cardboard piece in the fabric, you need to pull the edges together with thread. The base is ready.

Cut out the next circle of fabric. Filling is placed on a cardboard circle and covered with a new circle, the edges of which are collected with a thread and sewn on the edge of the base.

Pincushion-pillow on the arm

This accessory raises the level of difficulty a bit more. It is essentially the same pads, but with a hand holder. To perform the work will be required:

  • scraps of fabric;
  • sewing utensils;
  • a piece of Velcro;
  • button;
  • stuffing.

Next, you need to follow the recommendations of the master class sewing needlepoint with their own hands:

  • making a cushion - repeat the same steps as when sewing a round needlepoint;
  • the finished cushion for beauty, you can give the form of a flower: for this you need to take a needle with a thick strong thread and poke in the middle, then throw over the edge, the same stick in the middle and tighten, repeat several times, so that the product was divided into segments;
  • In the center of one of the sides is sewn a beautiful button;
  • The next step is the production of the bracelet: the fabric is cut from a strip length equal to the width of the wrist;
  • Strip is folded and sewn, becoming a bracelet;
  • The lower part of the velcro is sewn to one edge, the upper part to the other;
  • In the last step, a soft flower is sewn to the middle of the bracelet.

Handy needlepoint is ready for use.

Handicrafts made of felt

The best materials for making souvenirs, accessories and needlepoint are felt and felt. They make funny animals or magnificent flowers. Very popular is the model in the form of a cactus in a pot. It has a huge number of options.

Needlepoint cactus

To make this charming thing will be required:

  • Scraps of bright colored fabric for decorating the pot;
  • Two brightly colored scraps of felt for the flower (white, yellow, orange, red);
  • lace or decorative braid
  • Small pebbles to fill the pot;
  • filler;
  • cardboard;
  • paper cup;
  • silicone glue;
  • sewing utensils.

Next, you need to follow the step-by-step recommendations:

  1. Step 1. The initial step requires making the base of the piece. The paper cup must be cut so that the bottom part resembles a flower pot.
  2. Step #2. Next, the pot needs to be filled with pebbles, fill them on top with glue and cover them with a cardboard circle.
  3. Step #3. The cup should be lined with bright material and decorated with lace or decorative braid on the edge.
  4. Step #4. At this step, we create the cactus itself. It is necessary to cut out 8 semicircular shreds from green felt. On the side of the semi-circle 2 pieces sew on top of over stitching, then sew them together. In the upper part of the cactus blank you need to leave a hole for the filler.
  5. Step #5. Fix the stuffed cactus on the pot. For a more interesting shape it can be pulled over with thread.
  6. Step #6. Out of brightly colored scraps of felt, form a flower and fix it in the top of the construction. The surface of the "ground" can be decorated with beautiful decorative stones.

Finality of the accessory will be given by needles and pins stuck in it.

Crocheted needle cases

Those who have skills in crochet, you can try to create an original accessory from yarn. It can be figures of animals, dolls or household items. Since crochet is usually done with a crochet hook, the patterns are usually done with simple stitches with or without a stitch.

Create a base in the form of a circle or other shape, then gradually tied. Then, in the resulting cavity laid the filler. So you can create anything you can imagine.

Finished products can be decorated with buttons, beads, rhinestones or beads. As needles look great subjects, which in life have needles and thorns: cacti, hedgehogs, Christmas trees.

Create a bright and beautiful thing can anyone. Models of needlepoints made of fabric with patterns to create with their own hands can be found in handicraft magazines and on various sites for creative people.

Everyone knows that a handmade thing is always more valuable than a purchased one. Therefore, unique stylish needlework accessories can be used as rare gifts for birthdays, weddings, New Year and many other holidays. It should be remembered that such things are unique, exclusive and are the most real works of art.

Photo ideas of homemade needle holders

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