How to draw a mushroom in a step-by-step pencil: instructions with sample drawings for children and beginners
After a good rain a lot of mushrooms appear in the forest. In the fall, collecting mushrooms in the woods is a fascinating activity for both children and adults. Not everyone can spot where they grow, but knowledgeable mushroom pickers have no problem finding them. It is important not to confuse edible mushrooms with poisonous and dangerous mushrooms.
Many fans of painting go to the woods to sketch mushrooms from life. But not everyone has such an opportunity.
This article details, How to draw poisonous mushrooms and different kinds of edible mushrooms without any special training.
Features of drawing with a pencil
Drawing a mushroom with a pencil is not a difficult task, if you follow the detailed instructions and follow the steps indicated step by step.
Materials for drawing
Before you start drawing, you need to stock up on office supplies.
To create a drawing, you will need:
- Paper: an ordinary album sheet or a Watman of any format;
- A drawing pencil;
- Colored pencils;
- Eraser;
- Black liner to trace the outline of the drawing.
Basic steps of drawing with a pencil
After preparing the necessary materials, you can begin to draw.
There is a certain step-by-step scheme that is used when drawing all types of mushrooms:
- On a sheet of paper, a vertical and horizontal line is drawn, thereby determining where the leg and cap of the future mushroom will be located.
- On the vertical line schematically draw a mushroom leg in the form of a thin oblong rectangle.
- Next, on top of the rectangle, using a horizontal line, draw a half-circle - the future cap.
- The next step - detail drawing of the base and hat. It is important to understand that their shape and size depends on the type of depicted mushroom. The white mushroom stalk will be thick, and the beech mushrooms - thin.
- Use an eraser to remove unnecessary strokes and lines.
- Ready to outline the mushroom with a black ruler and, if desired, colored pencils.
To make the picture more realistic, traced the shade of the mushroom or add surroundings. This can be moss or an autumn forest.
Drawing edible mushrooms
There are a huge number of different edible species in nature. "Meat" mushrooms are very rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The most valuable in terms of taste are such mushrooms: chanterelles, butter mushrooms, chives, beech mushrooms, and, of course, porcini mushrooms. Most often they are so fond of drawing and experienced artists, and young children.
Draw a carrot mushroom with a pencil
How to draw a mushroom maslik? At first glance, it may seem that it is very easy, but in fact, to draw an original and beautiful drawing, you should work a little harder.
Assorted butter mushrooms are small tubular mushrooms with a delicate stalk and fleshy cap. They can be found in pine forests and mixed plantings. Mushrooms are prized by mushroom lovers for their soft, juicy cap.
The drawing scheme is almost the same as for other mushrooms, but you should be aware of some peculiarities of butter mushrooms. The cap of adult butter mushrooms is brown with a purple tint and looks like half a ball. At the base of the mushroom is a ring. Above the ring, the stalk is white and below it is brown-purple.
Knowing the features of the buttercup, you can begin its step-by-step drawing on paper.
- First, schematically outline the contour of the mushroom with auxiliary lines.
- Then make an outline for the future foot and the top.
- Draw the stalk, making it not too thick, and more subtle. On the stalk, closer to the top, draw a band around it. Cap is depicted in the form of half a ball.
- Dopisyvayut grass or fallen leaves.
- Make clear contours and erase unnecessary pencil lines.
- Then proceed to coloring. If you draw a few mushrooms together, it is important to remember that young butter mushrooms - top yellow-brown, and adults - brownish-purple. Finally, dissolve the background and you can consider the work done.
Chanterelle mushroom
To know, how correctly draw a chanterelle mushroom, you need to know its special details.
The second name of chanterelles - "Rooster" because of the external resemblance to the crest of a rooster. Dyed chanterelles in a light yellow or orange-yellow color, like foxes wool, which gave them the name. Chanterelles can be seen in mixed and coniferous forests in moss or among fallen leaves.
When depicting a mushroom on paper, it is necessary to take into account that the base and hat of chanterelles are one unit. On the leg are placed wavy folds, and the cap - irregularly shaped with wavy edges.
Knowing the characteristic features of the mushroom, and following the basic steps, you can easily draw a chanterelle in a picture.
Mushroom Podberezovik
Not everyone knows, how beautiful draw a mushroom podberezovik. In order to make the drawing seem real, it is necessary to find out what a podberezovik looks like.
Adult mushroom podberezovik most often has a thickened curved stalk, on which there are chaotically arranged black speckles. Its appearance resembles the trunk of a birch, which is why it got its name. Mushroom cap is wide, but not massive.
Depicting Podberezovik pencil, you can use these steps:
- First, draw a circle.
- Just above the center of the circle finish drawing an oval. This will be the hat of the mushroom.
- Next draw a high, wide foot.
- Traced the details.
- Erase auxiliary lines.
- Add scales to the leg.
- Coloring pattern.
Poisonous mushrooms: the stages of drawing
In addition to edible mushrooms in the forest, you can also meet quite dangerous mushrooms. What mushrooms are poisonous and how to identify them? The smell is the most accurate sign of inedible mushrooms. Mushrooms that are consumed by humans have a pleasant characteristic mushroom smell.
But the aroma from poisonous mushrooms is pungent and unpleasant. Many dangerous mushrooms are very difficult to distinguish from their edible counterparts. Not knowing the features, you can mistakenly pick up in a basket of toxic species.Among the brightest representatives of dangerous mushrooms are the handsome fly agaric, pale grebes, false chives and rowanelle.
The fly agaric
This is the true king of poisonous mushrooms. Its beautiful coloring especially stands out in the autumn forest. But no matter how beautiful it looks, you shouldn't put it in a basket or touch it with your hands at all. You can just admire its beauty and pass by in search of edible mushrooms.
Fly mushrooms like to depict both beginners and experienced artists. After all, thanks to their bright coloring, they look so effective in any drawing. Hat fly agaric is bright red. Scattered all over its surface white specks - spores. Light stalk of the mushroom has a "lace fringe.
It's a relatively easy task to put this colorful mushroom on paper. It can even be done by a novice artist.
To draw a beautiful fly agaric, you can divide the process of drawing into these stages:
- To begin with an outline of a horizontal arc in the form of a rainbow. One end should be depicted a little lower. This will be the top of the hat.
- To sketch the bottom part of the hat, connect the ends of the arc to make an unfinished oval.
- Next, the foot is drawn. First make the contour of the future leg, then traced the details. The stalk of the mushroom is long. It is thick at the root, and at the bottom a little tapered. On the leg necessarily indicate the folds and add a plate under the cap of the mushroom.
- All over the surface of the cap to draw the spores of the mushroom - small white circles of varying diameter.
- Go around the details of the mushroom with a black ruler and remove all unnecessary pencil lines.
- Then proceed to painting. Foot and cap plate make a light gray. The hat itself consists of three colors. The top is painted orange, and the central part is covered with bright red. The edges of the head are drawn in dark maroon pencil.
- After the mushroom is drawn and painted, you can think of the rest of the background and finish drawing grass, forest, moss. Paint the background. Work is ready.
Pale Grebe
Being able to draw a pale grebe is quite useful. Every child and adult should understand what dangerous mushrooms look like.
After all, the pale grebe is the most dangerous of poisonous mushrooms. Sometimes it masquerades as edible mushrooms. It is often confused with dunnocks and rowanova.The usual pale grebe is very weakly colored, light in color. So you can draw it using only one simple pencil.
Usually start drawing with the cap. It has the shape of a triangle. This dangerous mushroom has a long and thin leg. It is surrounded by a skirt. Complete the work by tracing the details.
Knowing the features and following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily create a real mushroom masterpiece. And a dash of imagination will make the drawing bright and memorable.