How to clean the kettle at home - a triple hit in difficult cases, prevention methods
Every housewife has a kettle in her arsenal. After a while, a layer of limescale appears from the inside. It is difficult to cope with it, but it is possible. There is a considerable number of ways. Let's talk about how to clean the kettle from severe scale at home.
Causes of scale and its dangers
Scaling is caused by calcium carbonate and magnesium salts in the water. Over time, they accumulate and settle on the walls of the kettle, thermostats and other appliances.
If there is a solid buildup, the water takes longer to heat. Electrical appliances can break down. The coil or disk heats up to perform the function, increasing the consumption of electrical energy. The part can quickly wear out its life and burn out.
If the kettle is covered with limescale, it is harmful to human health. After the penetration of particles inside the body, pathological processes in the kidneys develop, you can face osteochondrosis and gout. Accumulated salt contributes to a change in the taste of drinks, the appearance of whitish sediment in the glass.
What not to do
The substance breaks down under the influence of organic and inorganic acids, which contributes to its looseness. As a result, it is not difficult to fight plaque. To avoid damaging the appliance and harming your health, do not do the following:
- Mechanically clean the surface with a knife, scraper or metal sponge. The work is costly, but you will not get a perfect result.
- Do not use aggressive chemicals. It will quickly remove the hard layer, but it will be impossible to get rid of the residue and cope with the pungent smell. This will lead to negative health consequences.
- Large granules of powders leave scratches on the surface. There is another unpleasantness after their use - the process of formation of a solid layer of scale is accelerated.
Using special detergents
The chemical industry has developed several special formulas that help to easily soften and remove scale. Without problems you can cope with the scale with the help of Antikalipina, Cinderella, Antinalet.
There are other substances that cope even with solid matter. To do this, you need to pour water inside the kettle and let it stand for a few hours. In another situation, boiling will get rid of plaque.
Having done the work, you need to thoroughly rinse the kettle. Then pour water into it and boil it again 1-2 times. That's it. The work is done.
Using folk remedies to remedy the problematic situation
There are many folk remedies, using which you can quickly solve the problem. Let's consider the most available of them in more detail.
One of the most effective means is vinegar. It is able to cope with the most difficult scale. Apply the substance should be careful not to burn the delicate skin.
Dilute 2-3 spoons of vinegar in a liter of cold water, mix thoroughly. Pour the solution into a kettle and leave it for 12-13 hours. In the morning, wash the kettle under running water, then pour fresh water and boil it 1-2 times. After that, all scale will come off without trace.
If traces of scale remain, you can wash the container with a sponge. Do not use an iron counterpart, so as not to damage the surface of the household appliance.Having learned how to clean the kettle from scale with vinegar, you can proceed to other methods of fixing the problematic situation.
The appeal of citric acid
Two tablespoons of citric acid dilute in half a liter of warm water. Stir the solution thoroughly and pour it inside the kettle. Leave it for several hours. The slight problem areas will quickly come off.
If there is no citric acid, replace it with lemon juice squeezed from a lemon. Usually the product is used to clean plastic and porcelain.
There is another way to use the product. It is necessary to infuse a solution of citric acid, pour it into the kettle and boil it 2-3 times. This will quickly cope with the problematic situation, getting rid of the most difficult scale stains.
After cooling the kettle, rinse it thoroughly under running water. Then pour a sufficient amount of water and boil, after which you need to wash the device under the faucet.
The simplest and most environmentally friendly means are peelings. They can be from potatoes, apples, pears. Thoroughly wash these scraps, put them in the kettle and pour water. Then put the kettle on the gas and bring to a boil. Boil the water for 10-15 minutes. This will help to quickly get rid of the most difficult stains.
Soda .
It is able to cope with the most difficult scale. Apply the substance carefully, so as not to scratch the surface.
Dilute 2-3 spoons of soda in a liter of cold water, mix thoroughly. Pour the solution into the kettle and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the kettle under running water, then pour fresh water and boil it 1-2 times. After that, all the scale will come off without a trace.
Using Coca-Cola and Sprite
The method is very simple. Everyone can do it. To do this, take a half-liter bottle of a suitable drink and let the gases out of it. It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to open the lid. Then pour the drink into the kettle and leave it for several hours. After that, all that is left is to rinse the container under running water.
Triple blow in neglected cases
If the sediment is characterized by great persistence, you should get rid of it as follows:
- Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda in water, boil and rinse with running water.
- Boil water in a kettle with citric acid.
- After cleaning the kettle with citric acid, you can repeat the boiling procedure with vinegar.
The three procedures will remove the most difficult scale stains.
Prevention Secrets
To avoid the formation of limescale on the kettle, it is necessary to regularly as a prevention to use the following method:
- Take a few potato and apple peels, rinse them under water and put them in the kettle. Boil the product for a few minutes. The incipient scale will come off without a trace.
- You can also use baking soda. You take 1 spoonful of it and dilute it in water. After that, boil it for a few minutes. The measure will keep the surface attractive for a long time.
- Citric acid is also used. To do this, pour a spoonful of the substance and boil for 1-2 minutes, and then rinse with water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated weekly.
The scale-free kettle can be kept for a long time. This will be beneficial to health and will also keep the household appliance for a long time.