Plasticine applications on cardboard: the best templates for school and kindergarten children

Application - one of the favorite activities of children of all ages, you can make almost any subject, also for it you can use different materials. As a rule, they are most often made of paper, but also as the main material use plasticine, natural materials (leaves, dried berries), cotton disks, pasta...

Plasticine - the basis for application

Plasticine is quite a popular material for creating applications on various topics. It is worth noting that children can start making applications from this material from approximately 1.3-1.5 years, with the simplest and easiest items.

With the help of modeling material you can create beautiful original applications in several techniques, both simple standard and volumetric work. One of the best and most popular materials on which it is recommended to create a handicraft of this plan is a sheet of plain or colored cardboard.

Advantages of plasticine applications

Working with plasticine, the child gets a lot of positive emotions, as well as the creation of such a plan applique favorably affects the development, namely:

  1. develops fine motor skills;
  2. develops logical and creative thinking;
  3. the child learns perseverance and accuracy.

Techniques for plasticine applique

Create an application of clay can be several ways, in some cases they can be combined to obtain a more original picture. Distinguish such techniques:

Smudging - one of the simple ways, which can be applied by a young child. When creating, you can use printed out drawings and prepared templates or use your own drawing skills.

The basic principle of work is to smear plasticine with your fingers on the prepared drawing and choose different colors. To make sure the work turns out as beautiful and accurate as possible, you have to be very careful and cautious smearing plasticine in a thin ball, not to fall out of contours.

Clay sticks are an excellent basis for creating original applications on various themes. To work in this technique, you need to soften the plasticine well, roll it into a thin flagellum, and then roll it into the desired shape, usually a circle or an oval. It is also possible to lay out some elements of the composition in the form of a flagellum.

Mosaic is one of the most popular techniques for creating a plasticine applique. Working in this technique can be both an older and a small child. The main principle of this technique is to fill the picture with small balls of plasticine.

For such an application from plasticine on cardboard templates are best suited, because having printed out a ready-made picture, it will be easier to navigate in all the elements and the selection of colors.

Volumetric applique is a great option for older children. All elements of the work are created volumetrically and neatly attached to a sheet of cardboard.


In order to make it easier and simpler to create a beautiful and original application of clay, you should pay attention to the recommendations of experts:

  1. It is best to take wax-based plasticine, it is softer and easier to work with.
  2. For gluing you can use not only paper and cardboard, but also a photo frame, plate, tray, it all depends on the subject of the work.
  3. If the applique is created with the use of harnesses, it is recommended to do them with a syringe without a needle, so that they are of equal diameter. Before placing the material in the syringe, it should be softened a little.
  4. Begin familiarity with this type of creativity is best with more simple and easy paintings.

Simple applications of clay

Good options for the youngest children:

  • sun and clouds;
  • flower;
  • tree;
  • mushroom;
  • chick;
  • butterfly;
  • fruits and berries.

It is recommended to use a smearing or mosaic technique.

To create applications from plasticine on cardboard for children 4 years and older, you can use the other techniques, and the blanks to use the same.

Floral plasticine applique

The floral theme is a favorite theme of children of all ages. Make an application of a flower from plasticine on cardboard can be in any technique and even combine several in one work. You can also make applications of flowers in the form of a postcard or panel.

Vase with flowers

In the mosaic technique you can beautifully and unusually create an application in the form of a vase with flowers. For such work, you only need to prepare a sheet of cardboard of the desired color or standard - white, a set of plasticine, a pencil.

A step by step plan of execution:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a vase and 3-5 flowers.
  2. Soften the plasticine.
  3. Take the prepared plasticine for flowers and roll small balls from it, attach them to the drawn flower, slightly pressing them to the cardboard.
  4. Roll balls of green plasticine and attach them as leaves and stems.
  5. Prepare balls for the vase, and repeat.

If you want, you can make a vase not in one color, but with decorative elements.

Plasticine applications - an aquarium

Aquarium - an excellent variant of application from plasticine on cardboard 2 grade and above, depending on the technique and the number of elements.

An interesting option for creating an applique on this theme using several techniques, namely the use of mosaics, flagellation, and smudging.

Creation Plan:

  1. Draw a blank on cardboard: seaweed, fish, water bubbles, decorative pebbles and seashells.
  2. Algae and bubbles are laid out with the help of flagella.
  3. Fish, shells and pebbles, using small balls of plasticine, in the mosaic technique.
  4. Make the space of the aquarium with soft blue plasticine in the smearing technique.

In order to get a beautiful color to fill the aquarium, you can combine white and blue plasticine, knead well.

Applique with plasticine - vegetables

Vegetables are a great theme for creating handicrafts on autumn themes. Create a collage of plasticine in the form of vegetables can be in any technique, it all depends on personal desire and skill. It is worth noting that the most colorful, bright and interesting look vegetables in the technique of mosaic, flagella or in the form of bulk work.

It is recommended for younger children to use the mosaic technique for such work. To obtain beautiful vegetables with the help of flagella, it is necessary to use an ordinary syringe without a needle. With its help, all the elements will be of the same diameter, look as proportionate and neat as possible in the resulting work.

Plasticine New Year applique

The New Year theme is the most popular and favorite with children of all ages. Make an application from plasticine on such a theme can be in any technique, but if you create a composition, it is recommended to apply several ways. The most popular ideas of applications from plasticine on the New Year's theme:

  • Christmas tree with Christmas toys;
  • Santa Claus, the snow maiden, the snowman, the reindeer;
  • winter landscape with snowflakes;
  • composition of sledding or snowball games.

You can also create a greeting card with a whole composition and wishes.

Applique applications of plasticine on cardboard is one of the popular and interesting options for creating a handicraft, which has several options for techniques and they can be combined with each other. This kind of creativity is suitable even for the smallest creative hands and promotes development, teaches accuracy and assiduity.

Photo ideas of applications from plasticine on cardboard for children

Tips for reading


