Bisiboard with their own hands for a boy and a girl: useful and interesting ideas for the development of kids

At any age, up to the age of 14-15 when they start growing up children love to play a variety of games. Properly organized game process can improve and diversify learning, promote comprehensive and active development of the child.

Many parents buy special educational toys, but others can easily create an interesting bisiboard with their own hands. The very process of preparing an idea and making a developing, interesting and fascinating game will help to learn more about the education and training of children.

What is a bisiboard and the principles of making it

In the arsenal of well-prepared for the birth of a baby there are always many devices, accessories and of course toys. Particular attention is paid to the selection and purchase of developing devices, among which the first place in popularity justifiably belongs to the bisibord, because with them plays a lot of kids around the world.

If a few decades ago a child could play with a limited number of toys, today the range is striking in its variety. But what can be better than a toy or a game created by your own hands, in which parents put a part of their love and warmth, trying to please their child every day.

Bisiboard, literally "occupying board", is a basic structure with toys, moving elements and textured details attached to it. Properly chosen stuffing captivate baby for a long time, and while he will actively learn about the world around him mom or family can do their own thing.

Advantages of using a bisiboard for development

Modern psychologists recommend organizing the learning process of children from the age of 2 years in the form of a game, which is the most productive. Assemble bisiboard with their own hands for a boy or girl will not be difficult, at the same time on the board you can fasten a huge number of elements and from the application of such a toy there is a certain benefit:

  • The game develops the fine motor skills of the child through tactile contact with different shapes and textures;
  • Much attention is paid to the development of character traits such as diligence and patience, the desire to achieve results;
  • developing logical thinking, which is especially important for those biziboards, where you need a sequence of actions.

All bisibord elements can be changed or combined in groups, gradually changing the model, adapting it to the age of the child. Thanks to this, an interesting and truly developing toy will always remain relevant and will not get bored quickly, and the child will develop and learn through play.

What elements can be used in bisiboards

The activity board can be of any shape and size, consisting of many different elements and additions chosen by the parents. Of course, it is better to fill in the toy, guided by gender and age, child's preferences, and if the baby is very small, then try out a few options.

Important: The first lessons with the board the child spends under the supervision of parents, so they can properly assess the level of interest in certain parts. If the baby did not touch or quickly refused to play with certain elements, they can be replaced without waiting until the child loses interest in the complex game.

Bisiboard for a boy

Creating a board for boys it is not necessary to refuse from bills and soft toys, large and well-fixed beads. The composition perfectly combines a toy steering wheel with sound effects, springs with wooden beads, balloons made of dense material, bags with fillers of different shapes.

Bisiboard for a girl

Girls eagerly play with different elements, and you should not deprive them of the pleasure of closing locks, driving cars or controlling the ship. On the biboard you can attach switches and tubes for the movement of balls, counters and the body of the clock without glass, with plastic hands, cloth-covered windows and sew on buttons of different sizes.

Interesting ideas for assembling a bisiboard with their own hands

Before assembling bisiboard with their own hands for girls or boys it is necessary to think through the general idea for such a toy. Inspiration can become not only copying a ready-made design, but also the independent selection of interesting parts and filling for the organization of a fascinating game process.

A beautiful house

One of the rooms of the house or a small house with many separate rooms can act as the main idea. Curtains fixed on a fishing line, behind which there are drawings, doors that close with a latch, a clock to set the time, light bulbs from the backlight that light up at the push of a button, all this will appeal to any child.

The board for the cabin or room may contain other elements, and its composition depends entirely on the wishes of adults and the flight of their imagination.

A soft bisiboard

Create bisiboard their own hands for girls on a photo and step by step instructions will help the idea of a soft bisibord with the theme of a forest glade. This toy will suit the boys, the main thing is to choose all the elements correctly and compose a competent composition with different additions and rotating, moving parts.

For such a board use elements with minimal traumatization characteristics, made of fabric or soft toys, sewn from felt and other materials.

Bisiboard street

For older children, the idea of learning the rules of street traffic or just walking with and without their parents is great. You can attach cars of different sizes and kinds, illuminating traffic lights with different colors, install locks to block traffic, tubes for balloons, switches and sockets to the fishing line.

On the street you can place pedestrians, telephone for communication, lights, houses with windows, any other elements that a child of a certain age will like.

Ship with a steering wheel

For children who have a developed imagination, you can use the maritime theme and make a bisiboard in the form of a ship deck. A soft steering wheel and fixed lace, an anchor on a string with magnetic fixation, bills and a toy radio for negotiations, a tank with fish and cat-illuminators will help to captivate a child.

Making a toy with your own hands for a child is very easy and after the first game under supervision, it can be left for independent activities. After a certain time children get bored with the game and try out all the elements, learn their features and properties. This means that it's time to update the bisiboard or complement them with new components.

Photo ideas for decorating beautiful bisiboards

Tips for reading


