How to Draw a City Quickly and Easily - Step-by-Step Illustrated Instructions for Children and Beginning Artists
Drawing mountain landscapes, rivers, lakes and forests is a pleasure. But in this article, we will look at several master classes, how to beautifully draw a cityscape, made in pencil technique using the simplest materials. The given lessons can be mastered even by a child.
The selection of materials depends on the performance technique and style of the image. We recommend that you start drawing with a simple black pencil. This will make it easier for you to begin to learn other directions.
Later you can use different colors for overlaying colors. Other tools you will need are helium pens, watercolor, paper and a ruler.
Drawing a city street step by step
Let's start learning the artistry with a linear perspective. Do the most basic thing:
- Draw a horizontal strip below the middle of the sheet.
- In the middle of this strip, mark a reference point.
- From it, draw lines for the location of the buildings and the road.
Sketch the houses from the foreground
From the left side up to the reference point draw several vertical lines to mark the position of the multi-storey houses. If you are a fairly experienced artist, you can easily do this by hand.
Beginners are advised to use a ruler. Be sure to keep the house lines perpendicular to the edges of the sheet.
Do the same manipulation on the right side. The top and bottom of the buildings should coincide at the central reference point of the vault. It is not necessary to draw many buildings at once, two or three will be enough, and the rest should be added in the process of subsequent work. The main thing is the observance of harmony.
Middle plan
In the middle part of the sheet draw three-dimensional buildings: church, theater, cathedral, and so on. Draw them completely can not be, as part of the buildings may be hidden behind the front buildings. Recommend the use of a photograph of the city to get a realistic image.
Buildings in the background should be smaller than those in the front. The tallest buildings will look good here. Draw sidewalks and footpaths between buildings.
Finishing stage
- Next, draw the road, drawing two lines from the fulcrum down the sheet at a slight angle. Draw the dividing line on it.
- Turn the vault point into a light source - a small moon or sun.
- It remains to shade each element. The areas should be better shaded in those places that are farther away from the light source.
This pencil sketch can later be painted in different colors. It will make a great coloring book for your children.
City Park
Every city has a green area designed for citizens to relax. Here you can rest from the hustle and bustle of cars, enjoy birdsong, clean air and the pleasant smell of flowers. This is an ideal place for those who love to draw nature.
We suggest depicting a city park, made in pencil technique. The plot is not very complicated, even a beginner will cope with the image of a simple green area. Of the main details here will be a flowerbed and a playground.
The sequence of the artwork:
- Start with the background.
- In the middle of the sheet, draw a full-length fence with four posts and rectangular areas between them.
- Behind the fence, draw multi-story houses of different heights with windows. Window frames can be made vaulted, square and rectangular.
- Go to the foreground.
- From the bottom left corner to the middle of the fence, make a path with torn grass edges.
- On the left side next to the path, place a wooden fence of pegs and crossbars. Behind it, picture a colorful flowerbed with tulips.
- Remains to paint over everything. Shade the sky blue, close to the fence do a light pink imitation sunset. In the same color paint the path.
- Paint the fence pink.
- A shadow should fall from each post.
- Plant several trees in the park.
- Put a swing near the fence and a slide in the foreground.
- Draw children playing.
Drawing a town with children
First, draw the foreground.
- Schematically depict the green area with trees here.
- Next, start drawing houses. Take a ruler, draw elongated rectangles to indicate their locations. Make the houses more realistic by finishing them with cladding, drawing windows on them and putting TV antennas on top.
- Paint the elements with bright and colorful details: make the trunks of trees brown, the crown - green. You can leave the houses white or paint them gray.
- Hang a colored sign or dial on some buildings.
- To make the image even more beautiful and clear, take a helium pen and trace the outlines of each element with it.
Work with watercolors
The city theme depicted in a watercolor sketch looks very original. To get a colorful city, it is necessary to adhere to several basic rules. It is recommended to work on a cityscape outside the house, sitting on a green lawn. This way you can better capture light, shade, hues and their transitions.
When working with watercolors, remember that large objects are always drawn first. Smaller details are traced only after the background dries. Light details are depicted first, and dark details are depicted after they dry.
Step by step technique:
- First, you need to find a suitable place to depict the landscape.
- Draw the largest objects on paper: the walls of houses and dark green trees in the background.
- Experiment with shading, making the shadows in the foreground darker than in the background.
- It's better not to write out the small details clearly, let them be a little blurry.
- Use light strokes to make tree crowns, store signs and a few people walking on the sidewalk.
- Do the same with doors and window openings.
- In the foreground, make some details clearer: the sidewalk, curbs, road signs or lampposts.
Painting in the open air makes it easier to capture the dynamics of the city and its special atmosphere. Every city corner has its own mood, so in the picture you create, try not to lose sight of the most important things.
Painting a city can always be enriched with details. Let your imagination run wild and your artwork will be perfect. Learning how to draw is never too late, if only you had the desire.