How to draw a bear in pencil: cute and realistic examples of drawings for sketching

A huge and powerful beast with thick fur - most often this is the image of a bear we keep in our minds. But bears sometimes look quite often funny and cute, especially if you look at cartoons and fairy tales in recent years, that's them we will draw today. All we need is a pencil, a piece of heavy paper, and an eraser.

Mischievy-mischievy .

First of all we are going to make an oval for the animal's face. Try to make a more aligned shape to the edges of the oval, in this case the head will look more natural. Next, we draw the torso of our character, it has a similar shape.

In the center draw the nose, its geometry is similar to the head. Above the nose indicate 2 round eyes, in the eyes should doris another circle and flare. Add no less than 3-4 highlights, the eyes can be right at this stage paint.Then make the eyebrows not long dash.Rota draw a small, it is quite thin and has the form of a drop.

Proceed to the creation of the body bear. From the head deduce 2 symmetrical lines, which at the bottom gradually increase in size of the body. Close these features to each other oblong thin "sausage". Sketch the front paws, they should extend downward. Do not forget to add sharp claws.

Make two barely visible arched lines near the body, this will be the belly. More successful leave, and second erase. From the line lead lines for the feet. Near the end of them again connect, but here already to finish drawing teddy bear feet.

On his sweater you can draw any picture, you can from those that are found in the cartoon series. There are many pictures of the cartoon series on the Internet. The drawing is completely finished!

Teddy Bear

Create two circles for the head and torso, don't push too hard, this will be purely our reference point. Paws should be drawn slightly stretched. Add more flowing lines to the outline of the bear, as this is his main feature.

On the head we draw small ears, button eyes, mouth and nose. Since Teddy is sitting, the feet, the back of the paws should be drawn in more detail, in particular the toes. The left front paw is drawn tucked behind his back, and the right one should be placed on his belly.

Wool is drawn with short strokes. On the head and on the gradi, you can draw a patch on it. At will, you can finish drawing the bear cub a bouquet of flowers, a heart or a box of chocolates.

Winnie the Pooh

This bear cub is adored by all adults and children, you just have to lightly sing "in my head sawdust..." and the mental humming of the song is unstoppable. This drawing is not very complicated, but in any case, try to stick to our step-by-step guide.

And so, let's begin:

  1. The head is a huge circle with straight sides, no need to round the corners promptly. To her draw the torso in the form of a bit stretched downward semicircle. Creates a gradual transition, so that the silhouette of Winnie the Pooh.
  2. On top do ears, in this little bear, they are not intricate. Then draw semi-oval front paws, they are slightly as if crossed on the belly. Mark the claws and two paws at the bottom. Then we draw the nose, eyes, expressive eyebrows and a slight smile.
  3. If you want, you can paint the bear's fur with brown and black pencil, but these transitions can also be shown with a simple shade. Be sure to shade the Winnie the Pooh a little bit, then he will look much cuter.


If you enjoyed creating this cartoon character, then you can take on the bear from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". If this is also easy for you, then you can explore how to draw Masha from the cartoon Masha and the Bear by pencil step by step.

Realistic brown bear.

The most difficult option of all, if you put a lot of effort, you will come out with a great drawing.

Detailed instructions on how to draw a bear in pencil step by step for kids:

  1. On a horizontally lying sheet, a circle is drawn on the left side. Inside the newly drawn circle, two auxiliary lines (horizontal and vertical) are outlined. The place of the animal's eyes is highlighted, and the silhouette of the head is marked - an elongated muzzle with a nose.
  2. Completes bear's muzzle - small ears and fur on the edges of the muzzle are drawn from above.
  3. To the right of the head are drawn two ovals. One marks the place of the shoulder blades, the second the pelvis.
  4. The contour of the body is drawn. The bear's paws are marked.
  5. At this stage, you can erase the auxiliary lines and circles. Next, paws are detailed - claws are drawn.
  6. The whole contour is covered with fur. To do this, the borders need to be filled in with short strokes.
  7. Making details of the coat. Using a pencil to draw crooked short lines, strokes. It is necessary to look at the degree of pressure of the slate. You can get different lines in thickness, from barely visible to bold stripes.

According to these instructions, you can learn how to draw a polar bear with a pencil step by step, because in fact there is not much difference in these bears.

If you have mastered this drawing, you can learn the instructions how to draw three bears from a fairy tale in a step-by-step pencil. If this task is beyond you, you can safely call yourself a cartoonist.

Useful tips

To make your drawing of the bear look more expressive, try to draw the borders of its body with bolder lines. To do this, tilt the pencil slightly, and press a little harder.

If you are new to drawing, it is better to buy a sketchbook, it is sold in a small format, like a notebook. The main feature of such sketchbooks is that sketches with a simple pencil are easily removed from this paper.

If you are only sketching, you need to sharpen your pencil more often, in which case erroneous lines can simply be erased with an eraser.

Use a cotton swab to give the shapes a hue. First create a light shading, and then these lines are shaded with the side of the stick. You can also create highlights in this way.

We hope that this article was helpful and informative for you. Now you know how to draw a bear step by step with a pencil easily and beautifully. We wish you success!

Pictures of a bear to sketch in pencil



