How to make an envelope with your own hands - step by step master class of a paper envelope

You were invited to a holiday, and you were able to decide on a gift. You decided to write warm wishes in addition to the gift, put a few bills, but you do not know how to pack? An excellent option would be an envelope, made by your own hands. After all purchased envelopes are quite boring and monotonous, and you will need to choose the necessary size.

The next obstacle is the question, how to make an envelope of paper with your own hands?

What will you need to make an envelope?

If you decided to make an envelope by yourself, you need:

  1. The material from which you will make an envelope. It can be cardboard, a white sheet of A4, colored paper or fabric.
  2. A ruler, a pencil, scissors, tape, glue.
  3. Any buttons, ribbons, paints, felt-tip pens. That is what you want to decorate your envelope with.

You choose the materials from which the envelope will be made according to the expected result. Be imaginative and creative. Don't forget that you need good lighting for the work to be done qualitatively.

Types of envelopes

There is a great variety of techniques for making an envelope with their own hands. The envelope can be rectangular, square, triangular, heart-shaped and so on. You decide for yourself how your envelope will look like, depending on what you want to put there.

If you want to put a letter, the classic envelope is the right choice, but if you want to put a small gift, the boxed envelope is the right choice.

Classic envelope

An envelope from A4 paper to make with your own hands will not be difficult. Suggested instructions are as follows:

  1. You need to take a sheet of A4, mark the middle.
  2. Place the sheet vertically, fold the top corners to the center to form two triangles.
  3. The sides of the sheet fold to about 3,6-3,8 cm from the edge.
  4. Lower edge should be bent to the beginning of the upper triangle.
  5. The sides you can glue with tape.
  6. You can decorate the envelope to your liking.

Now you can please your loved one with a gift. This is not the only way you can use when making an envelope.

A square envelope

This method will be relevant for those who want to make an envelope from paper with their own hands without glue or tape:

  1. Take a sheet of A4 and cut out a square shape from it.
  2. Mark the lines of the diagonals of the square, for this fold each corner to the opposite corner.
  3. Put a square in front of you so that it was like a rhombus, the lower corner of the rhombus to bend so that the tip touches the middle of the rhombus.
  4. Along the horizontal diagonal fold, making the resulting triangle.
  5. Fold the sides of the resulting triangle, so that one end of the side triangle was on the other side triangle.
  6. Bend the tips of the corners of the bent triangles, you get sticking out a vertical triangle, which should be bent with your finger, this triangle will serve as a "clasp" in an envelope.
  7. You can decorate the envelope to your liking.

Put a letter, money, card, certificate in the envelope, and now it is ready to use.

Triangular envelope

Rather interesting technique in its execution is applied in a triangular envelope. Such envelopes are also called front triangle letters, they were written by soldiers during the Great Patriotic War to their loved ones.

This version of the envelope will suit you, provided that you want to write a letter to the man.
The technique is as follows:

  1. First, write your letter and put it with the front side facing you.
  2. The upper right corner should be bent so that it does not touch the opposite corner. This will form a triangle.
  3. The resulting triangle fold in half.
  4. Take the bottom two corners of the sheet and fold them to the middle of the resulting triangle.
  5. Tuck the two resulting triangles inside of a large triangle.
  6. Fold in half a triangle.
  7. You can decorate the envelope with a cloth or pattern.

Here is a ready envelope, quite peculiar and interesting technique that shows you the creative side.

Assembled type of an envelope

This type of envelope is able to surprise any recipient, but it is made as simply as possible. If before in envelopes the material was paper, now you need cardboard.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. You need to cut four circles of equal size from cardboard.
  2. Each circle individually fold in half and overlap each other.
  3. Glue them together in the center, you should bend the tops to each other.
  4. Tie the final version with a ribbon.

It is very beautiful, original and quite inexpensive in time. Suitable this type of envelope for a certificate, card or note.

Envelope from a heart

With this technique you do not need scotch or glue, which is its advantage. It is made quickly enough, you get an envelope of medium size.

The technique involves the following points:

  1. You need a thick wrapping paper, from it you need to cut out a heart. Fold the sheet in half and make cuts at the top and bottom to form a "bump" heart at the top and a sharp end at the bottom.
  2. Fold the sides of the resulting heart, but do not bring the edges together.
  3. "Bumps" heart dip down, turn the future envelope for more convenience.
  4. The sharp tip of the heart will serve as a valve for the envelope.
  5. You can decorate the envelope with buttons, sequins or fabric.

As you see, this type of envelope will need scissors and paper, which simplifies the technique.

Box envelope

One of the most creative ways to wrap a note or a small gift. Here you will have to try, and it will take more time than the previous manufacturing techniques.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Cut a large square out of heavy wrapping paper. Fold its opposing corners twice to make the diagonal markings. Fold in half twice to indicate the two center lines (vertical and horizontal)
  2. Fold the corners, so that folding them turned out a small square.
  3. Turn it with the side that opens up and Fold one triangle.
  4. To form a heart must bend two corners.
  5. Straighten the design, fix and give it the shape of a box.
  6. Tie a ribbon obtained a box.

You should have a small box, which can be put a nice note, a small gift or candy.

Of course, you can buy beautiful and interesting envelopes in stores, but when a person is given an item made by hand, he shows more sincere emotions, because he understands that you spent time and effort, paid attention to his gift. And this can't be bought for money.

Photo ideas and examples of beautiful homemade envelopes from paper

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