Claw for cats with their own hands - a step by step description, diagrams and drawings, common mistakes, photos of work
In a house where there is an animal, especially a cat, the furniture is often damaged by the sharp claws of pets. Torn sofas and chairs are a common occurrence. And it is impossible to wean an animal from the habit and the need to sharpen claws, because it is his natural instinct.
The predator thus cleans itself of the keratinized parts of its claws and marks the territory belonging to it. Outdoor cats use trees in such cases, and domestic cats have a choice between furniture upholstery, carpets and wallpaper. And so you don't have to replace the damaged furniture, you just have to get a scratching post.
Even better to make a scratching post for cats with your own hands - it's much more economical. In this article we offer detailed instructions on how to make a scratching post for cats with your own hands.
Advantages and disadvantages of homemade scratchers
The only disadvantage of a homemade scratcher can be called the time spent on its manufacture. The purchase of consumables and tools does not count, because buying a ready-made product, you will surely pay more. Only by making the sharpener yourself, you will get at your disposal a completely safe, environmentally friendly product, best suited for your pet.
Store scratchers, even with the most primitive design, are usually not very cheap. Moreover, such an object may not please the four-legged animal, and the animal will simply ignore it.
A store accessory may not smell as good, especially if plastic and synthetics were used to make it. You will end up wasting money and the problem of damaged furniture will remain unsolved. When you make the scratching post yourself, you can take your pet's preferences and tastes into account.
Is it worth buying used paraphernalia?
Some owners make this decision in the hope of saving money. But this is fundamentally the wrong approach, because the items may smell like other people's pets, which is likely only to scare away yours. And no one can guarantee the health and hygiene of the previous user of the accessory, thus you risk infecting your cat with unpleasant diseases.
For creative people, creating a scratching post for your pet will only be a joy. You can fully rely on your imagination and come up with its design yourself. A creative approach to the work will help to create an interesting and original household item, which is worthy and harmoniously decorate the interior of the room.
Determine the shape and size
If your pet is large enough, then the sharpener should correspond to its size. When creating the product in the first place, you need to be guided by the size of the cat. Especially when you make a wall model, otherwise the animal can scratch the wall.
The scratching post should be 5-10 centimeters longer than the animal's length (the tail is not needed). The width of the product is based on the width of the outstretched paws.
It is very good to make a scratching post with a dog bed, if, of course, the size of your home allows it.
The most common models of nail sharpeners
Scratch bars come in two basic types: floor and wall. And each of them has its own varieties. Floor accessories can be flat (placed horizontally or at a certain angle), in the form of vertical columns, with additional elements: houses, ladders and so on.
According to most owners, the most convenient to use vertical posts. They are often equipped with play accessories, especially this is relevant for kittens. The construction itself can be installed on any surface: floor, walls and even the ceiling.
The most common mistakes when making a scratching post
To then not have to engage in redoing the sharpener, it is important to calculate its parameters in advance. It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:
- The height of the post - it is recommended not less than one meter. And if there is a house or a doghouse it can be higher.
- Width - no more than 10 centimeters.
- The location of the lodge on top of the structure - cats love to rest on high ground. And the bed placed underneath can be used by the animal as a toilet.
- If there is more than one animal in the house, it is better to place the couches at the same height, otherwise the animals will compete with each other for leading roles.
- The accessory can be given a playful function by hanging various toys from it.
Materials to use
Make a scratching post with your own hands, using the step-by-step instructions, is not so difficult. The main thing here is to use natural materials, because the sense of smell in four-legged animals is much more sensitive than in humans. Take materials that do not emit too pronounced and strong an odor. For example, wood, jute or linen ropes, burlap, cardboard and the like. Natural fibers are very good at eliminating static electricity.
Artificially created materials can provoke an allergic reaction in your pet, which can have serious consequences. Forget about plastic - it is, in fact, an allergen, and even with an unpleasant smell.
The surface of the sharpener should be rough, but not very hard. It is important to pay attention to the strength and reliability of the product. And, of course, safety, so as not to have broken claws and other injuries.
Clawfoot from a mat
This peculiar lying area will become a comfortable place for the pet to rest. To create it, you need to take a rug, any rope made of natural fiber, and a rope made of sisal fiber. In the center of the rug we leave a place for sharpening claws, and the rest we glue with sisal rope. The edges should also be glued to prevent the pet from pulling the threads out of there.
Such a construction can be left in a horizontal position, or it can be attached to a wooden stand at an angle with a stapler.
A wall version made of plywood
It is quite easy to make a construction, you just need to accurately calculate its parameters. It is better to make it 10 centimeters above the height of the pet, then it will not be able to leave scratches on the walls. The recommended width is not less than 40 centimeters.
Prepare a pair of plywood sheets not less than 25 cm wide (for a large cat the parameters should be increased). As a soft pad you can use old carpeting, which is attached to the plywood with the underside up. It is enough to fix the carpeting with a stapler. Then the structure is attached to the wall, and the device is ready for use.
A scratching post made from wood is a great alternative to store accessories. A log cut lengthwise is simply attached to the wall and wrapped with an old rug or bedding.