Origami lily of paper - the best schemes and examples of beautiful products

The white lily is considered a symbol of purity, purity and innocence. The plant blooms in early July and until the end of September. But what to do if you want to see a flower, for example, in winter? There is a solution! You can make a lily of paper in the art of origami. Its advantage will be a paper bud that will not wither, and will delight the eye with its elegant forms.

In this article you will find a list of necessary materials and step by step instructions.

How to choose the right lilies

How many lilies to make with your own hands for a unique gift for a loved one? What color paper to choose? The information written below will help you answer all the questions. Stock up on patience, turn on your imagination! Good luck!

  • Orange or yellow flowers are given to wish you health and long life;
  • Buds with white and pink hues mean the desire of the person to support you in a difficult situation, to become a support;
  • presenting white lilies, you hint to their owner of purity, purity of the soul;
  • Tiger color wishes the hostess of the financial well-being;
  • The blue color represents aristocracy and nobility.
  • If you present one lily, it will be considered as a declaration of love. Usually representatives of the stronger sex go for such a step, if they do not have the courage to openly confess their feelings;
  • three flowers - a symbol of faith, hope and love. Often such bouquets are given to girlfriends, colleagues at work;
  • Five lilies mean that their owner is incredibly beautiful and exquisite;
  • the number of flowers of seven lilies means a marriage proposal;
  • nine lilies are given as standard on International Women's Day;
  • eleven buds give as a gift on round dates: anniversaries, anniversaries;
  • If you are presented with a bouquet of thirteen lilies, you know with you want to break off relations;
  • Fifteen lilies given to a girl/woman means the man is serious about a life together.

A simple colored paper lily

What tools and materials will be needed:

  • colored paper;
  • green cardboard for the stem;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

When starting to make a paper lily with your own hands, follow the diagram, don't rush.

If you are poorly versed in the drawings below is a step by step instructions lily in the art of origami with a detailed description of the actions.

  1. Take colored paper, choose your favorite color. Place the sheet on the work surface. Fold the top left corner of the paper diagonally. Draw a straight line from the beginning of the diagonal fold to the opposite edge of the sheet. Unfold the sheet to its original position and cut it along the lines drawn. The result should be two geometric shapes: a square and a rectangle. You will work only with a square, so the second quadrilateral can put aside.
  2. Connect the top right corner of the paper with the bottom left. Unfold. The result will be a figure with folds, located diagonally.
  3. Fold the quadrilateral vertically and horizontally. Straighten the sheet. These actions are needed to obtain the cross folds.
  4. Fold the construction into a triangular shape. Apply the right side to the left side.
  5. Take one of the folds and open it, pointing the tip to the corner of the right side. You get a "protruding square", the lower left corner of which should be added to the upper right. Do the same with the other side. Tuck into the inside of the four triangles formed.
  6. Fold the bottom edges.
  7. Flatten the folds. Turn the product.
  8. Take the upper end and connect it to the bottom. Return to the original position. Angle bent to mark the midline.
  9. Spread the folds. Should get a figure like the photo below.
  10. Repeat the same steps on the other sides.
  11. Fold down the top corner. Do the same with the other tops. If you did everything correctly, you will have a diamond on your hands.
  12. Fold the top folds to the middle of the figure. Follow the same steps for the other three sides.
  13. Turn the design. Petals of the paper lily will be at the top. Very carefully smooth them out. You can twirl the petals with a felt-tip pen or pencil.
  14. Take a green piece of paper and cut it in half. Twist a tube. You can also use cardboard, then the stem of the plant will be stronger. The stem is ready.
  15. Glue the lily bud to the stem. The work is done! In front of you lies an elegant and delicate handmade flower.

Lily of corrugated paper

Many parents have corrugated paper lying idle at home, most likely used once for children's crafts. Throwing away is a pity, but her use is not found. In this article you will learn how to make a beautiful bouquet of lilies from corrugated paper, which will not leave indifferent any member of the weaker sex.

Necessary materials to create a bouquet:

  • thick paper to create a stencil;
  • a simple pencil;
  • large beads;
  • corrugated paper;
  • metallic cord (wire);
  • cocktail straws;
  • scotch tape (PVA glue);
  • scissors.

To make a lily from corrugated paper is not difficult. The scheme is quite simple.

  1. Determine the workplace. It is better to do crafts on the floor or on a table. The main thing is that the work surface was smooth, well-lit.
  2. Take cardboard or something solid. Draw by hand one petal that looks like a boat. Cut it out. Your template is ready.
  3. Place the stencil on the corrugated paper, outline the outline with a simple pencil. Repeat the steps five or six times. Carefully, without tearing the paper, cut out the petals.
  4. Now you need to give each leaf shape separately. Take in the hands of a leaf, gently pull it apart. Do the same with all the other products, you can begin to create stamens.
  5. Put a bead on a metal cord. The ends of wire twist between each other a few times. You get one stamen. For the middle of the flower you need from three to five such products. When everything is ready, twist them all together to form a single base.
  6. Around a made stamen gather five or six petals. Secure them.
  7. Cocktail straws will serve you as ready stems. If you don't have them, use pencils with green napkins or paper wrapped around them.
  8. Make a whole bouquet and give it to your loved one. You'll see, a smile on his face will not be long in coming!

Lily of the Cuscutama.

If you've mastered the basic step-by-step scheme for making a lily out of paper, then it won't be difficult for you to make a cuskudama lily. This is a ball-shaped paper bouquet that is assembled from separately assembled lilies.

Make paper flowers using paper of different colors. Their number should be a multiple of twelve. Assemble the finished pieces into a ball using a wire. It is ready! Such an exquisite bouquet will decorate any room!

Photo ideas of original lilies in the origami technique

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