How to make a cart with your own hands - easy master classes of available materials with a simple scheme

Every dacha owner is occasionally faced with the fact that on the site you need to transport bulky objects or garbage. Most people in such situations use a cart. How to make one?

This does not require special materials, everything at hand will do.

Types of carts

You can distinguish between construction and garden models. Wheelbarrows used for construction work have an angular shape and are usually made of metal. They are mainly used for transporting construction materials, waste and concrete. They are also great for shoveling snow in the winter.

For small garden work, it is best to choose a garden cart. Generally, garden wheelbarrows are smaller than construction wheelbarrows and are very often made of plastic. A garden model is great for carrying firewood and charcoal for fuel, bags of soil or fertilizer for plants. It will also come in handy when cleaning the area.

An interesting solution is also a garden cart, which is designed for gardeners. This cart is mainly used for collecting and removing weeds, grass clippings and other garden waste, which can be stored in a plastic container.

If the site is frequently tilled and you need a cart to transport bulky items, you should consider a self-propelled cart or a bicycle cart. You can choose carts with a wide range of load capacities.

Cart parameters

Before you buy a cart, you should think about its purpose and take into account the main parameters. If you want the simplest model for small construction or garden work, the way you attach the wheel to the cart is very important. Bolts fixing the wheel should be easy to turn, which ensures the smooth transportation of goods.

The body material should also be selected. Plastic models are suitable for carrying light loads (e.g. leaves or garden waste). The disadvantage of these wheelbarrows is the fragility of plastic, especially when exposed to low temperatures.

Metal versions are much more durable. Before creating a wheelbarrow, it is worth checking the thickness of the walls. When transporting heavy materials, the body may bend or get damaged, making it more susceptible to corrosion.

You should also consider the capacity and depth of the wheelbarrow. It must meet the existing needs.

The easiest option

One easy option is to convert the base of an old baby stroller into a dolly. Although the design may seem flimsy, it can be used to transport oversized items for several years.

This version of a two-wheeled cart for transporting goods, made by your own hands, can be a good alternative to the purchased options.

Creating a garden cart step by step

If the option with a wheelchair does not suit, you can assemble a garden cart yourself, taking into account the existing needs. How to make a garden cart with your own hands? This is discussed below.

The first step - the preparation of the base

It is required to find a base. It can be ready-made, or you can make it from scratch. People who decide to create a base from scratch, you should opt for large wheels.

Motorcycle wheels are best, but of course you can use other examples as well. The bigger the wheels, the easier and more comfortable it will be to move the cart. The bottom of the stroller looks best made of old metal sheets.

The second step - the body

The next step in building a garden cart is to find the right container. The best one will be the one that fits perfectly with the parameters of the base. The container can also be made by yourself. It is enough to determine the required dimensions and create according to them from improvised materials the body.

If it is made of wood, it is enough to nail planks so that they form a rectangle. Such a box under intensive loads can last 3 years. This is the optimal time, after which he simply can no longer withstand the weight and falls apart.

The third step - handles

Such a cart without handles will be difficult to use, because it is inconvenient. Therefore, they can be attached from metal or from wood. Each bottom of the cart has protrusions on which they can be mounted. It is required to fix the handles on both sides.

Perfect! The homemade cart is ready, you can start using it. In a similar way, you can make a cart for a bicycle with your own hands.

Complex designs

Above we talked about making a wheelbarrow from easily available materials. Those who want to prove themselves and create a professional-looking garden cart, you need to prepare for a long work.

For example, before making a wheelbarrow for a motor block with your own hands, you should carefully study the required characteristics and prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

There are many possibilities for the realization of ideas. The easiest one is to find a ready-made wheelbarrow and work with it. The lower structure is designed to attach the wheels. For this purpose, strong metal rods are enough, which will simultaneously allow the wheels to rotate and will be able to hold the structure.

Unfortunately, such a backlash requires welding, which is impossible without the proper equipment. Such a cart will have good maneuverability.

Creating a transport cart

The pipes need to be cut into suitable pieces. It is worth keeping in mind the cross members of the rebar to naturally cut a square out of them. All these elements should be welded together.

After the framework, you should try to shape the strips themselves. The wheels should have threads on the ends to prevent possible falling off the axle. You can buy wheels at almost every specialty store.

All materials will come out much cheaper than buying a ready-made transport cart. However, the quality will be worse. Making a self-propelled cart with your own hands will be more difficult, but also realistic.

Decorative cart

There is also the option of making a decorative cart. Its type and material depends on where it will be located. In most cases, the most suitable raw material is wood, and carpenter's glue is suitable for joining the construction.

The cart can greatly facilitate work in the garden and on the construction site. If you make it yourself, you can save money. It is also a good option in case the right model is not on the market.

Depending on the application, both plastic and metal wheelbarrows can be made. Before creating a wheelbarrow, it is worth determining its size and material.

Photo ideas of homemade wheelbarrows

Tip to read


