Applique butterfly from colored paper, twisted napkins and felt: tear-off and volumetric handicrafts

One of the fascinating types of creative activities for children is paper applique.Occupation develops fine motor skills, imagination, the ability to handle glue and scissors. A lot of fun will give the child "Butterfly" applique. Preschoolers can help parents, older children should be able to do the work yourself.

A simple butterfly

To begin with, you need to make templates:

  • Head;
  • wings;
  • torso;
  • eyes.

When making a template of wings can make a double silhouette. To do this, the template is bent in half, drawing on the curve and cut out without affecting the fold. Pattern details can be cut in pairs or individually.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The wings are glued to heavy cardboard.
  2. On the outer part of the wings fix a pattern.
  3. In the middle of the sheet placed the body.
  4. At the end glue the head and eyes.
  5. Butterfly need to glue the tendrils. They can be drawn with a felt pen or cut out of colored paper.

The end result should be a beautiful insect. Application of a butterfly made of colored paper on templates can be supplemented with a summer landscape - a green lawn, field flowers, blue sky and a bright sun.

From the twisted napkins

Applique from napkins butterfly can be performed on any image. When working, it is important that the elements are not too small and there is enough space to fix the balls of tissues.

For the work you will need:

  • Album sheet;
  • cardboard;
  • Bright tissues;
  • stationery glue;
  • scissors;
  • wooden frame.

Master class:

  1. First make a template with the image of a butterfly.
  2. Glue the sheet with the drawn butterfly on heavy cardboard.
  3. Tissues are cut into small squares and twist into balls with fingers. Need a lot of these balls.
  4. Glue the balls on the parts of the pattern. It is desirable to glue different colored balls on different parts of the wings.
  5. The body and mustache can be drawn with a black marker.

The final finishing depends directly on the child's imagination: the applique can be decorated with natural materials, shells, beads, etc. The background around the made butterfly can also be glued with balls from napkins.

Applique from palms

Creative activity can be a form of home entertainment.

Children's palms are attached to a sheet of paper and outlined with a simple pencil. You can also outline one handle, then fold the paper sheet in half and cut out the resulting template. You should have two identical blanks.

You can complicate the task and make modular applique. For example, ask a child to interlock their fingers or spread them wide. You can also make an unusual composition of the palms of all the household members.

The resulting scraps after cutting out do not have to throw away, they are still needed. An unusual silhouette can be made if you trace a palm at a distance of 3 cm and cut off the excess on both sides.

To create the torso of a butterfly, two fingers of a baby, trace the outline and draw in any shape the abdomen and head in the form of a pair of circles, located above each other.

If there are two children in the family, you can make the upper wings from the outlined outlines of the palms of the older, and the lower wings of the younger. From the deferred scraps make antennae.Composing a multifaceted composition, it is better to lay out the large blanks first.

The next step is to make smaller pieces. You can modify the composition, experiment until a beautiful picture comes out. It is important not to glue anything in advance.

Then place small ornaments from the scraps and decorate the butterfly.When the version of the picture is thought out, step by step glue all the blanks.

Tear-off applique from felt

The technique consists in the fact that the details for applique is not cut out, and tear away. Younger students do the work more consciously. Children performing butterfly applique in the older group of kindergarten, come from the process in indescribable delight.

Stages of execution:

  1. On the selected basis draw a butterfly.
  2. From the felt of different shades tear off small pieces and glue on the template in any order.

Tear-off technique will help a child learn how to combine colors and learn the principle of symmetry. It is advisable to prepare a safe paste of flour and water yourself. Then the baby will be able to dip the felt pieces into the glue and place them on the template.

Three-dimensional butterfly

Parents can offer schoolchildren to draw the templates themselves, to instill a craving for drawing and the development of imaginative thinking. For younger children, parents can prepare the necessary blanks.


  1. On a white sheet they draw a template.
  2. On the same sheet draw another, smaller in size. Repeat 4-5 times.
  3. On colored paper cut out the resulting templates one by one. Butterfly will look more effective if the templates are different colors. Glued to the paper torso. Fix the largest butterfly on top.
  4. Repeat steps with ready-made templates in descending order.

Should get a butterfly with voluminous fluttering wings. Depending on your imagination, you can play with shades and create different combinations.

Beautiful paper butterflies

To create an applique of ornate butterflies, you need to choose your preferred option on the computer. Or you can make it yourself.

The course of the work:

  1. To begin with a sheet of colored paper, cut out a figure in the form of a rectangle and fold it in half.
  2. Lower corners are cut with scissors askew.
  3. Cut corners around the circumference of the fold so that the upper area of the cut was a little more.
  4. Separate the upper wings from the lower wings with two even cuts below the center of the template.
  5. Rounded the edges of the wings and decorate the original waves.
  6. Glue the butterfly to a cardboard sheet.

When working it is important to achieve the effect of a living butterfly. To do this, you need to be careful and not use a lot of glue. Parts should be slightly planted on the glue. This will give airiness and lightness of the application.

Moths of hearts

If you look closely at the wings of a butterfly, you can see the resemblance to hearts. From such hearts can be performed applique.

  1. Take plain white paper. First you make one butterfly, and then you can make any number of beautiful moths based on its likeness.
  2. To create the wings, a pair of squares with sides 7×7 cm and 4×4 cm is cut out of colored paper.
  3. Each square is folded in half and cut out a heart.
  4. To create the body of orange paper cut a small strip with rounded edges.
  5. Glued to the body of the wings of hearts.
  6. The head of the butterfly should be the same color as the body.
  7. Fix the eyes and mustache.
  8. Wings can be painted with colored pencils. Unusual option - to make holes on the wings with a hole punch.

The finished work can be framed and hung on the wall.

It is not necessary to strictly follow the description of the options. You can embody your own ideas of applique, using different forms and materials.

It is important to help your child during the application. And not to do everything yourself just because he or she stuck a certain element inaccurately. It is during this period, and the child gets skills with glue, scissors.

Photo ideas of homemade applications in the form of a butterfly

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