Children's crafts of paper - the best master classes on making and decorating

The popularity and great variety of paper crafts is justified by the availability and range of paper materials. At the same time a large enough number of techniques is known to help organize the creative process and implement any idea from the selected with a certain theme.

Original children's crafts from paper can be used as an interesting way to develop creative skills of the child. Exciting activities are always included in the learning process, which is organized in school or kindergarten, in all available developmental programs, organized separate circles.

Ready-made crafts are transferred to exhibitions in various educational institutions, to show the level of skill and skill of the child. And even such products can decorate the nursery or home, and activities with children to organize the production of beautiful cards for the holidays to congratulate friends or relatives.

Rules for using paper materials

Working with paper must be thoroughly investigated technology of making crafts and strictly follow the instructions. All necessary tools and equipment should be prepared in advance, and before using any of the selected techniques should work through its performance and teach the child.

Advantages of creative activities with paper

Children love to make crafts and instilling this skill can be used to develop creativity, imagination and diversify the learning process. Creating handmade crafts for children out of paper and cardboard is very fun with children of any age and there is a reason for this:

  • a wide variety of ideas available for implementation, for crafts you can use plain colored, double-sided or office paper. For crafts suitable corrugated and kraft paper, thick or thin cardboard, you can buy or make their own ribbons for quilling;
  • accessibility of the source material, for crafts use newspapers and magazines, available and simple techniques such as gluing and folding. With a child, you can learn the technique of papier-mâché to create three-dimensional products, quilling and twisting for openwork items, origami - where you do not need to glue and cut paper;
  • Getting benefits for the child, working with paper develops fine motor skills and working through ideas helps to form concepts of combinatorics and layout. The child learns to distinguish colors and shades, shapes and figures, it develops spatial imagination, assiduity and creative thinking.

Most of the paper crafts, with proper training and development of ideas can be made very quickly. In this case, the child immediately gets a finished result and will be able to evaluate their work, through participation in exhibitions, he will receive encouragement and it can be used as a tool in motivation for learning.

What handicrafts are better for children to choose

For each age group, it is better to choose their handicrafts, which can be divided by the category of complexity of creation. The younger the child, the more difficult it will be to work with complex techniques, but if such a handicraft is chosen, it is better to show patience and participate in all stages of the process.

Three-dimensional animal figures

Identical strips of thick paper glued hollow tube, from which you can assemble a variety of figures. This can be a funny caterpillar, or a snow-white rabbit, a jolly bear with a barrel of honey, bright chickens with a hen-pooper and such children's crafts from colored paper will look great at the show.

Toys for the Christmas tree

For the new year, children like to make their own decorations, such as openwork snowflakes, cards and figurines. In the papier-mâché technique and with the help of balloons, you can make a whole set of balloons, icicles and toys of other shapes and sizes with your child.

Homemade cards

Beautiful children's handicrafts for February 23 from paper can compete with the brightness of design only with cards for other holidays. They are made from heavy paper or cardboard with additional decorations, using the technique of drawing, applique and scrapbooking.

Applique on selected themes

For smaller children it is difficult to create complex cards and in this case you can use simpler solutions. Interesting children's handmade paper crafts for March 8 can be made in the technique of applique, combining different elements on the basis.

Garland of paper with their own hands

Holiday garland will be a beautiful decoration of the house, and its theme is determined by the upcoming celebration. For a child's birthday, you can make a bright and stylish garland together with him, which will consist of several elements repeated in a certain sequence:

  1. to connect the elements, it is better to use thick and bright, multicolored or two-color string with increased strength;
  2. from dense, it is possible to foil colored paper cut out identical circles according to the chosen shape, a paired number of elements will be required;
  3. circles of paired diameter are assembled, according to their number are made marks on a thread through the established distances, you can use a colored marker;
  4. tight balls are twisted from absorbent cotton, absorbent cotton can be replaced by any filler, other materials, newspapers or napkins can be used;
  5. on one of the circles it is necessary to apply a drop of glue and fix it with a thread, focusing on the pre-marked mark;
  6. Using a similar technology, the filler is attached to the second element of the volumetric part and both circles are carefully glued along the contour.

The ready made garland can be hung on a wall or decorated window openings, suspended from the ceiling, and even further decorated all the elements. On the circles glued figures or cut out of paper additional elements, decorate with foil adhesive tape or other decorations.

Each children's craft, a hand-made paper swirl or a beautiful card on heavy cardboard will be a wonderful gift. On the development of creative abilities can be taken care of in advance and you can start at an early age, which will be the basis for future achievements.

Photo ideas for children's crafts from paper

Tips to read


