Handmade crafts for kids 9 years old - easy workshops from paper, cotton buds and disks, plasticine

At the age of nine, the child is formed as a person, he has well-developed fine motor skills, among all the colors he can choose the most suitable. It is not so easy at this age to make a child do what he does not want to do, but you can help your child and control his actions.

Children at this age are very fond of making paper crafts as well as a good addition to them can be beads and threads. The most important thing is that the desire to make a craft comes from the child, and not become a compulsion.

The most common paper craft for children 9 years old with their own hands is a greeting card, with this task the child will cope without having any special skills.

Trick can be a cookie or a cake, if you decide to please your loved ones with sweets, offer to help your child, he will be happy to decorate a cookie or cake. Each cookie will be different unusual design.

Paper crafts

The most common paper crafts are flowers. For this craft is suitable for any paper, white, colored, corrugated or even a napkin.

The algorithm for making a flower is as follows:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, cut a square of the size that you want to get a flower;
  2. Fold the resulting square accordion;
  3. Tie the center of the flower thread;
  4. Spread the resulting flower if necessary, adjust the shape of scissors.


The main thing to remember the handicraft does not have to be perfect, the child learns in the process, after a while the quality of crafts will improve.

As a paper crafts can be bookmarks. Ni easy to make, but will attract the attention of the class, your child can share instructions on how to make it, there will be socialized.

To make a bookmark you will need thicker paper or cardboard, the shape of the bookmark can be absolutely different, and the bookmark itself can be decorated as desired by the child.

Garlands. To make garlands you will need perseverance and patience. A child will learn to cut out different shapes and fasten them to each other.

Origami. At first glance the most difficult kind of crafts from paper, which an adult is not always on the force. For this adult must pick figures that are easy to assemble.

Use for origami is better colored sheets of thin paper. Believe me, your child will be delighted with the result.

Crafts for children from unusual materials

For creativity you can use different materials should not be limited to paper crafts. Salt dough crafts for kids 9 years old, will be a new and unusual activity.

Children see that their mother uses dough for cooking, and here the familiar-looking material can be used for crafts.

To make salt dough you will need: salt flour and water. Knead a tight dough with a lot of salt, if the salt is not enough, the dough will not dry out.

You can mold different figures from the dough, it depends on the imagination of children, the toy can then be painted. It is not necessary to dry the figurine in the oven. Leave the figure to dry in the sun.

Handicrafts made with absorbent cotton sticks

It is not necessary to stop on puff pastry. Handmade crafts from cotton swabs for children 9 years old, will be an interesting and feasible task.

There is no limit to your imagination, you can make flowers out of cotton sticks. You will need plasticine, cotton buds, paint and scissors, a tube or a skewer.

Robotic step by step:

  1. Cut the cotton buds in half;
  2. Dip the tip in paint, you can leave it white;
  3. Roll a ball of plasticine;
  4. Stick the cotton buds into the ball with the plasticine, insert the stem

From the cotton buds you can make not only flowers, but also a variety of animals.

Consider step by step how to make a lamb:

  1. From paper, cut out the necessary body parts and glue them together;
  2. You will also need to cut the cotton buds, but do not step more than 0.5 cm from the absorbent cotton;
  3. Start gluing the cotton buds from the edges of the torso, moving toward the center;
  4. The cotton balls can be used not only for the body, but also for the legs and the hair on the lamb's head.

Crafts from cotton disks

Cotton candy disk crafts for kids 9 years old step by step making a rabbit or a Smeshariki. To make a handicraft out of cotton disks, you will need: cotton disks, glue, scissors and a sheet of paper.

  1. From the cotton disks cut out the ears, legs of the rabbit;
  2. Glue the finished parts to the whole cotton disc;
  3. Eyes, nose and antennae you can draw a marker or cut out of paper;
  4. You can leave the finished craft or glue it to a piece of paper, making it into an application.

With cotton disks can make a caterpillar, the process of making it extremely simple. Just a popular handicraft with cotton disks have flowers. To create such a craft using both whole cotton disks and its parts.

Making handicrafts out of plasticine

Plasticine crafts for children 9 years old, familiar to them from labor lessons at school. At first glance it is not a difficult task, but it requires creativity.

You can give a child a task, but not tell the algorithm of actions, it will be a problem situation for the child, requiring not only a creative approach, but requires activation of thinking activity. The child will think about how best to perform the task.

You can mold not only three-dimensional figures from plasticine, but also pictures of plasticine. It is important to give your child the right to choose, he will decide what he wants to depict in a picture, what colors are more suitable, you just need a little help in fixing or shaping the individual elements for the picture. You and your child will be happy with the result.

Benefits of crafts

No matter what kind of crafts your child will be engaged in, the most important thing what benefits they bring. When you create crafts develop fine motor skills, imagination and thinking. A child can not come up with a masterpiece at the first time he needs time.

It is better to start doing simple crafts by gradually increasing the complexity. Start with large elements, gradually increasing in complexity and decreasing in size. At first glance a simple children's activity, but it has hidden benefits in the development of the child.

Photo of homemade crafts for kids 9 years old

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