Origami Unicorn - how to make toys and decorations in the form of a unicorn
Unicorn symbolizes kindness, tenderness, purity of thoughts, hope for a better future. Traditionally, this mythical animal is represented in the form of a horse with a horn on his head. It is also called the unicorn, as this offshoot is represented in a single copy.
Because of these qualities unicorn image is often used in needlework. Masters create three-dimensional origami unicorn, a flat analogue, apply the image on clothing, children love figurines of different material, they are presented in fantasy films. But we will deal with ways to create exactly origami unicorn for a gift or personal use.
Children really like working with paper, because it is easy to use, and does not require advanced knowledge. Origami technique was invented in Japan, because this country loves to exploit the available material for creating complex crafts.Historical fact: Japanese girl infected with radiation after the bombing of Hiroshima hoped that the production of 1,000 paper cranes will allow her to recover. Unfortunately, she did not make it in time, but it kept her hope alive.
Step by step master class making unicorn
Making an origami unicorn will require patience and attention to detail. If you need to create a unique gift or distract from life's problems, this theme is sure to benefit. In addition, high-quality crafts can be sold for a handsome reward.
Tool Kit:
- Working and handy scissors;
- Ruler;
- A regular pencil;
- Coloring pencils for coloring the craft;
- A set of colored pencils.
Everything you need is not difficult to assemble in a child's room. The process of cutting is not particularly difficult or time-consuming. On the contrary, it's fun activity to which it is easy to attract children of all ages. They will be happy and excited to create a craft origami unicorn with parents.
If glue does not connect too dense paper, it is advantageous to use the stapler.
Materials for origami unicorn craft:
- Paper of white color;
- Colored sheets;
- Cardboard sheets;
- The sleeve of cardboard;
- Glitter;
- Reel of thread;
- Glue.
A set of these materials is easy to assemble in a child's room. If something is missing, then it is purchased in the store. But you can cut a cardboard box, use office sheets A4.The main thing to realize how to make origami unicorn at home to enjoy the children, and the manufacturing process did not take too long.
Create the head and torso
For the manufacture of the head and the authentic body on a piece of paper is applied to the markings of the relevant parts of the body. The sheet is folded in half, the unicorn's head is cut out thanks to scissors. If it is too difficult to draw it yourself, then it is allowed to use a template.
In the case of creating a volumetric unicorn to prepare the body, you can use this method:
- A sheet of A4 is taken. Nine circles are drawn on it. To do this, simply trace a small circle;
- All circles are cut out, parts are folded in half;
- The sides of the parts are glued together to complete the base of the unicorn. Before that, a long thread is added to the middle. The torso is ready for use.
Making Feet and Horns
- The legs and horn are the smallest of details. The main parts of the craft are already created, but you should pay just as much attention to this aspect of the product making process. Usually these parts are prepared in a different color. This adds to the attractiveness of the unicorn;
- To make the leaf, the outline of the legs and horn is drawn on the leaf. The leaf is folded in half or, is padded with another blank. Parts are cut out and glued to the body;
- Unicorn got his name because of the 1 st horn. We need only 1 horn. But it is necessary, to give him enough massiveness and attractiveness, because outwardly this creature - an ordinary horse. The horn is its main distinguishing feature and advantage over congeners;
- The horn is created in a straight form. It looks like a spiral or has the features of a cone;
- However, the legs of the unicorn are not particularly distinctive. Therefore, it is enough to cut out 4 rectangular elements to indicate the presence of legs. But the hoof is carefully drawn. Rear pair is made much larger than the front legs. This will add unobtrusive elegance origami handicraft unicorn.
Decorating and painting
Decorating and painting is necessary because it is created unicorn origami for children. They love bright and colorful crafts. To give them a handicraft, which will like it, you can leave this stage for them. But still offer some advice:
- The mane can be made in different colors, similar to the rainbow;
- For the horn, a gold or white color is advantageous;
- Flowers combined in a wreath can be used for decoration;
- Eyes, nose and muzzle favorably allocated marker;
- The perception of the volume of the body is created by double-sided colored paper on a base of pink or purple;
- The head and torso section are made in different colors. A multicolored mane is added;
- On the body it is possible to place flowers, stars of different sizes and colors;
- The torso can be lightly smeared with glue and immediately sprinkled with a small layer of glitter.
Tip: Glitter can easily be substituted for glitter. This is a glue in which the glitter has already been added.
Unicorn bookmark origami
Bookmark having a unicorn shape is created in several stages. First necessary to purchase or make a stencil. On the basis of his cut out a figure from a sound cardboard. The shape and decoration can be left to the child's choice, since the bookmark is made for him. It would be good if he learned how to create this handicraft yourself.
However, there are many more ways to make origami unicorn, as the paper allows you to create unique crafts. And the theme is different width of possibilities for the flight of fancy.
If you have your own ideas, then it is worth trying to translate them into a real craft. Do not worry if something will not work, because the experience will allow in the future to create an improved product. As long as you manage to make a unique unicorn out of paper with your own hands.