Crafts for children 4, 5 years - simple and complex ideas with step-by-step creation (96 photos)
Every parent wants his child to be versatile and well-developed. This involves not only physical development. Handicrafts made by 4-5 year old children with their own hands, develop an outlook, imagination, creative thinking, fine motor skills.
At this age, children are actively learning about the world, their interests and hobbies begin to emerge. Usually, children already attend kindergarten, where they get skills in making crafts from various materials. Kindergartens regularly hold various contests, exhibitions of children's works, which they make at home together with their parents.
Why make crafts?
Making crafts helps children develop their thinking and imagination. Using small parts and elements develops fine motor skills. By making a handicraft with their own hands, a child gains confidence in their own strength and abilities. For a child, a craft is a great achievement.
In the process of making crafts from different materials, you can tell your child what these materials are made of and where they are used. Making crafts is a fun activity, especially if the child has thought up and implemented his or her idea.
What can you make?
If you look around and exercise your imagination, it will become clear that there are a lot of things suitable for children's crafts. If we talk about common materials, these are:
- plasticine;
- colored paper;
- cardboard.
For crafts are perfectly suited different things that are at home, in the yard:
- buttons;
- disposable dishes;
- plastic, paper tubes;
- plastic bottles;
- Cones, leaves, twigs, other natural materials.
Cereals, coffee beans, macaroni are perfect for making different applications, panels.
The main task of parents is to support the child's interest and actively participate in the process of his or her creativity.
Plasticine crafts with 4-5 year old children
Most young children love to model with clay. Since the material is malleable and pliable, it can be used to make almost any thing. A set of colorful clay will be a great gift for the little creator.
Modelling with clay will help develop a child's attention to small details, perseverance, patience. Start with the simple elements:
- sausages;
- balls;
- strips;
- pancakes.
When your baby learns how to make the basic elements, you can move on to create complex items - vegetables, animals, flowers.
Paper crafts
4-5 year old children especially like to make paper crafts. Creating crafts from it is a very exciting process. Paper - the material is soft and safe. Young children create applications from ready-made parts. Details are prepared by parents. When a child learns to use scissors, they will be able to cut out the necessary elements and create true masterpieces.
For crafts you can use colored paper, which is sold in stores. For applications is great for newspapers. Newspaper paper makes an interesting application - a panda bear. Since gray is almost not found in sets of colored paper, you can take a newspaper clipping with text without pictures, the eyes are made of colored paper.
For children's crafts, you can use disposable paper utensils. The plate can make a wonderful sun. You need to paint it yellow, draw or glue eyes and a smile, because the sun is cheerful and kind. Painting the crafts, the child learns to handle a brush.
From the plates you can make a butterfly. This is more complicated crafts. If the child knows how to use scissors, parents can draw the outline of wings, the baby will cut them out and paint. If they paint the wings in different colors, then it is a task for logic and care - the wings must be painted in the same way.
If one wing has a blue stripe first, then the other wing should also have a blue stripe first. It is difficult for a small child to remember the rules, so adults need to remind the little creator that we paint both wings with the same paint.
A great thing for crafts is cardboard boxes. Found at home unnecessary shoe boxes that can not throw away, and make with a child fun crafts in the form of animals. For example, to make a cat, we take a box, 4 tubes of toilet paper, cardboard. The plugs will be the legs, cut out of cardboard contour of the head and a strip - the tail.
The child can paint the head - an adult draws a simple pencil eyes, mouth, mustache, which the kid paints over with paint. And you can glue, cut out of colored paper. The box should be painted. To do this it is better to use acrylic paint. One kilogram of white paint is inexpensive.
The remaining paint can then be used at home or for other crafts. Glue the head and tail is better double sided tape or glue sticks. PVA glue is not suitable, as it only soaks the cardboard.
Handicrafts of natural materials
Children from very young children become interested in what surrounds them. And, often, bring various branches, stones and cones from walks. To keep them from lying around the house, they can be used for crafts. You can use cones, leaves, and twigs to make animal figurines.
Leaves, twigs, and rocks make wonderful panel applications. Along the way, in the process of creativity, you can tell your child about the trees, leaves or cones which he uses. On other natural materials. Thus, in the form of a game, the child will learn about the world around them.
In addition, you can make seasonal crafts. Each season has its own colors: white - for winter, orange - for fall, bright green - for summer and light green - for spring. Be sure to do with your baby at least one craft for each season, talking about each of them. This way your baby learns about the change of seasons, each of which is remarkable. He will learn what happens in nature and what entertainments exist in each season.
Cereals and other products
A 4-5 year old child will also find it interesting to make cereal-based crafts. This is good for developing fine motor skills, imaginative thinking, and assiduity. You can ask your child what he or she would like to represent and draw outlines on cardboard. You can mix PVA glue with paint, apply it to the base, and children will choose cereal of the appropriate color and pour it on the base. The main thing is to make sure that the mixture of glue and paint does not dry out and in time to touch up the base.
Pasta in the form of butterflies, can become "real" butterflies on the application. It is better to attach them to the base on clay. The child would be happy to color them and make an image, for example, a field with flowers and butterflies. Also from these macarons you can make a lily of the valley and give it to mom for March 8.
Hand-made materials
For making crafts by 4-5 year old children, you can also use improvised materials such as cotton swabs and cotton disks, which every mom has.
Daisies can be made from sticks cut in half. For this purpose, two circles are made of plasticine. Sticks are placed on one and pressed on top of the other. The stem and leaves can be made from plasticine or colored paper. Cotton disks turn into calla lilies if you fold them in a pile. And a palm print of your baby's hand will make a beautiful tulip.
Studying with your child at home is very important. In the process of making crafts your child can talk about the world around them, about what they are made of and where the materials used came from. This will broaden his horizons. In addition, a child can make crafts as a gift to relatives on a holiday or birthday.
A gift made by a child with their own hands is the most enjoyable. And the baby, seeing how happy his work is, will be happy and proud. This will build his confidence in himself. Making handmade crafts develops children's imagination, logic, fine motor skills. In addition, joint activities with parents will be a joyful experience for the child, because he or she will be making like mom or dad.
Photo ideas of children's crafts 4, 5 years old