Rocks and stones for country houses, gardens, children - doing interesting handmade crafts (photo examples)

Stone is a material that is plentiful in nature. These days it is used not only in construction, but also in landscape work. In addition, items of interior decor are made of it.

Features of creating ornamental stone products

Every year more and more people want to master the manufacture of stone decor. The first thing that experienced masters recommend is to accumulate material. Rare or unusual specimens are of particular value. Such stones can be used for the construction of alpinaries, paving driveways or for its beautiful framing.

Artificial cobblestones - an excellent raw material for creating stylish designer jewelry. In addition, for example, from beads you can make interior accessories - pendants for keys, bonsai, flowers.

From natural stone, you can build an interesting rug for the tambour.

Materials required for work

Many people are concerned about the question of what you may need to create a decorative craft from stone. It all depends on the complexity of the idea you wish to implement. However, there are some things without which the activities of such creativity can't be imagined. Here is a sample list of materials required to work with stone:

  • acrylic paints;
  • gouache;
  • varnish;
  • brushes;
  • silicone glue;
  • plasticine;
  • polymer clay.

Stone in dacha design

Stones, especially granite, offer a wide range of possibilities for enhancing the dacha area. Marble is not recommended for use in the design of the garden landscape, as its coldness prevents the creation of a warm, cozy environment.

In order not to make a mistake with the idea for a handicraft made of stones with their own hands, it is necessary:

  • feel the necessary tone;
  • Choose a suitable place for the composition.

In modern landscape design, cobblestones are commonly used for decorating an artificial pond, marking the boundaries of flower beds and vegetable beds, as well as a border for stone paths.

Pebble crafts

Pebbles are a special stone. Its distinctive feature is a round flat form - the result of exposure to sea waves. Peculiar decorativeness is inherent in the sea pebbles crafts. Some craftsmen manage to make bijouterie, trinkets and buttons from pebbles.

If the material does not have a through hole of natural origin, you can use an electric drill or ask a master jeweler.

However, usually small pebbles from the sea are used for lining flower pots, panel frames, etc.

The simplest example of a souvenir product of pebbles is a magnet on the fridge. With the manufacture of such a thing will cope even a child. You just need to attach a magnet to a pebble, and on top put the selected image.

Interior decorations made of stone

Handicrafts made of natural stone are quite suitable for decorating rooms. Here are a few ideas.

Floral panel

As you know, the stone is perfectly combined with sea shells. To make rosebuds from the latter, you need the possession of the material and the ability to work with it.

Each manufactured petal is attached to a pre-prepared base with glue. Small pebbles are glued in the places where the leaves are placed. The entire composition is sprinkled with gold pollen. And only then the finished panel can be hung on the wall.

Painting from stones "Owls on a tree"

To create it, you need the following materials:

  • pebbles of different formats (8 pieces);
  • round-shaped flat rock;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glue;
  • board;
  • a piece of driftwood (for a tree branch).


  1. On 4 larger pebbles, depict owls using acrylic paint and your own imagination. Paint the remaining pebbles in green colors (these will be the leaves), and give the round stone a white shade.
  2. In the board, cut out the contours for the branch and birds.
  3. Armed with glue, attach figures of owls, moon and a piece of driftwood.
  4. Caulk the joints with blue paint. Use it to cover the entire board.
  5. Paint the stars in white. Handicraft made of stones "Owls on a tree of owls" is ready!

Candle holder .

For making an original candle holder, you need to take any container of refractory material and pour into it some small stones. Next, you need to put a candle on the stone pillow and add more stones to secure the candle. That's it, a stylish accessory is ready.

Ideas for creative activities with your child

Creating together with children is always fun. The child has his own vision of the world, giving space for imagination. For a first grader, it's better to choose something uncomplicated, but colorful and beautiful. An ideal choice is the applique. First you need to decide on the theme of the image.

It should be as simple as possible (ladybug on a twig, a cute little critter, a funny little man).

Then it is necessary to prepare a basis for the collage. This can be a painted plywood sheet or dense colored cardboard. Next, it is necessary to decorate the stones, so that the planned drawing came out. After, using glue, they should be placed on the basis in the proper order.

Handicrafts made of stones give a sense of peace and relaxation. But it is important not to overdo it with the stone decorations, especially if there are children in the family. It is worth remembering that it is a traumatic material. Therefore, it is often more appropriate to build a panel, rather than scattering cobblestones around the yard for decorative purposes.

Photo ideas for stone crafts

Tips for reading


