Fabric crafts for beginners - the best solutions for decorating with different types of fabric
In every home you can see different kinds of decor elements, a variety of handicrafts... These decorations can be purchased or made by our own hands. Handicrafts that are made by hand are more valuable and interesting.
For making crafts you can use a variety of materials: wood, leather, plastic and, of course, fabric. Perhaps the fabric is the most accessible and versatile material for making unique craft items.
Cloth - the basis for crafts
From such a material as cloth can make a variety of handicrafts on various topics and designs. You can use almost all kinds of fabrics: cottons, organza, velvet, silk, linen, flannel ... Handicrafts made of fabric are highly durable, durable and always look beautiful.
To make a handmade textile handicrafts do not need special skills and abilities, do not need a lot of materials and tools, enough to use a little imagination and allocate time to create a unique work.Below on our website https://master.bigbadmole.com/en/, you can find many amazing and interesting articles of fabric on various topics.
Quite popular are considered a variety of decorative pillows, elements of decor for the kitchen (gloves, coasters, decoration for bottles), soft toys, decorative mats, panels, costume jewelry (hoops, necklaces, brooches) ...
Denim Bag
One of the common ideas of crafts from denim is considered a woman's bag. There are many ways and options for its creation, one of the simple and quick - to take old unwanted jeans as the basis.
Needed materials and tools:
- jeans;
- thread and needle;
- scissors;
- Metal rivet button.
To begin, you need to cut exactly one pant leg of the desired size, but taking into account that you need 3-4 cm reserve for the seam. Turn the pant leg out and sew the edge that was cut off. In the center at the top of the denim piece carefully make an incision, there will be formed a clasp bag.
Carefully twist the marked piece of fabric and firmly hem it, place the rivet button in the center. From the jeans cut a flat strip of about 6 cm wide and 50-60 cm long. This piece of fabric to fold the width in half, face inward and firmly sew on the sides.
Turn out the handle piece on the front side, using a pencil or a needle. The resulting handle is firmly sewn on the sides of the bag on the inside. If desired, the denim bag can be decorated with applique or different buttons, rivets buttons.
Holder for your hot dishes
In every kitchen you can find a coaster for hot food, and very stylish will look coaster made of fabric with his own hands. For it will need:
- dense fabric;
- sintepon;
- thread, needle;
- scissors.
Cut out two circles of fabric with a diameter of about 20 cm. The synthetic material should be ironed through a damp cloth, to smooth it out, cut out a circle with a diameter a little less than the cloth blanks. Place the padding between the two circles of fabric, and stitch firmly with threads. Such a simple placeholder for a hot meal can be made in any shape and design, you can decorate it with appliques.
Bachroma rug .
Very original looks a rug from scraps of fabric. Such a rug can be made from old unnecessary things, combine different types of fabrics, colors. To create this mat you will need:
- construction mesh with large meshes, approximately 40 by 60 cm;
- a lot of unnecessary clothes, you can have different colors;
- hook;
- scissors.
Cut all the fabric into strips about 15-20 cm long and 3-5 cm wide. With the help of a hook, pass the scraps of fabric into the cells and knot them tightly, so that the fringe is on the front side of the net. For ease, it is better to start filling the mesh from the central part with shreds.
Postcard with fabric
A handmade greeting card is always more valuable than a standard, purchased card An interesting option is to make a postcard using fabric. For such a postcard you will need:
- A sheet of green cardboard;
- scissors;
- Fabric in green, red and yellow, and white;
- PVA glue.
Cardboard sheet neatly fold in half. From the green fabric cut flower stems and leaves. Cut small circles from yellow fabric and petals from white fabric. Place a bouquet of daisies on the front side of the cardboard, forming it from the cut out pieces of fabric. Carefully glue with glue.
Such a simple and at the same time interesting handicraft made of fabric on cardboard can be made even by a child. Also take this example as a base, you can create a postcard for any holiday or occasion.
Soft toy turtle
It is necessary to prepare:
- syntheon;
- 2 buttons for the eyes;
- thread, needle;
- scissors;
- Sturdy fabric in desired colors;
- a template of the turtle pattern, you can draw yourself on paper, or you can print from the Internet.
Using a template to make patterns: 8 legs, 2 heads and 2 tails. The body to make about 20 cm radius, and the lower part of the shell about 5 cm less. Sew parts of the head and 4 legs, leaving small holes, fill with filler and sew each part.
Tail sew without filling. In the shell put padding, sew 4 legs and tail. Sew eyes to the head, and embroider mouth with threads. Sew the head to the torso. Such a simple way to get a beautiful soft toy.