Tear-Off Paper Applications: what they are and how to make beautiful handicrafts
An interesting creative technique that both adults and children like - tear-off applique. Lube crafts from colored paper is an interesting activity, many have tried their hand at making applique.
Careful cutting out of paper with scissors often helps children learn different artistic techniques. Foster an interest in working with crafts can be through the most unusual techniques. Learning the features of tear-off applique will help you express your ideas and bring to life very original works.
Peculiarities of tear-off applique
This technique is simply indispensable for the development of intuition, love of creativity. In the process of work, children form a composition on cardboard, they learn to evenly and accurately glue the elements of the composition of paper pieces. Toddlers begin to learn methods of coloring, develop hand motor skills, observation, a disciplined approach to work, and an active imagination.
Tear-off paper applique is one of the varieties of applique, which perfectly conveys the texture of any image. Any image (bird, cloud, plant, tree, person) is depicted with pieces of torn paper. The elements should be of different colors and formats. No scissors are needed here, which will be a plus - children will not get hurt.
Tip. A glue stick is often used to glue the pieces together - it will help avoid spillage. The advantage of the "tearing" technique is the absence of scissors, because very young children can injure themselves and others with this tool.
The composition is created quickly and easily, and even a child of 4 years old can cope with it. Therefore, such creative tasks are often given to children in different groups of kindergarten.
Principle of work
To perform an applique, you can adhere to simple universal rules:
- Select the basis of the future work. This is most often cardboard, white or colored. The main thing is that he does not get wet from the glue, withstand the weight of the future composition. An alternative is dense white paper.
- Think through the composition, the idea of the future picture. Drawing with light strokes on cardboard.
- Select shades of color for the drawing, the overall color scheme.
- Pieces are prepared for applique. They need to be rifled in different sizes, and it is better to help your baby with this process. In the beginning he will try to do everything "right," then it will become easier. It is important to tear the paper neatly, then the drawing will be beautiful.
- Take a glue stick and fill the space of the applied drawing with scraps of colored paper. First glue large pieces, then finish the area by gluing small scraps.
- The entire surface of the drawing is glued in advance, then the small pieces are simply pressed together.
- The finished applique will look like a mosaic, especially if there are small gaps between the pieces.
Tip: The tutor or parent should better observe how carefully the child glues the composition, so that in time to direct his forces in the right direction. It is important not to go beyond the edges of the picture.
Decorating the artwork
Finished compositions can be supplemented with decorative materials. Tasks can be different - in the level of complexity, themes, scale and quantity of materials. Rip-off applique in the older group will be different in performance from the younger group, so the process can be made more complicated.
Children can use a variety of improvised and purchased materials to decorate their work:
- shells, pebbles, pebbles (small);
- dried leaves and flowers;
- beads and beads, glass beads, small strasses (with caution and under adult supervision)
- threads, ribbons, bows, and wool;
- buttons, buttons;
- details of old toys.
The result of their efforts children can frame, submit to a contest or exhibition. But the main thing is that kids enjoy the creative process. If the picture will decorate the interior, the children will be very pleased.
Templates for tear-off applique
It will be very convenient if you prepare in advance beautiful templates for working with scrapping techniques. You can take a template from anywhere:
- cut out from a magazine;
- use old coloring books;
- draw with your own hands.
Children can also create such templates on their own. After all, drawing the outline of a cat or a butterfly does not require much skill, as does tearing off pieces of colored paper.
At the first stage, when the kid is just getting acquainted with this technique, he can be offered a ready-made template - for example, from an old coloring book. As children gain experience, they will want to try to draw their own version of an outline drawing. These can be animals, landscapes, clouds, flowers and bouquets, kittens or puppies. The outline drawing should not be too detailed or complicated. The main thing is that it serves as a good basis for further pasting with torn elements.
Example of a handicraft "Autumn Tree"
Consider a sample of tear-off applique autumn tree. This is a simple and very beautiful version for children in the middle or older group of kindergarten.
For the work will be required materials:
- glue pencil;
- a set of colored paper: yellow, orange, brown, green and blue;
- cardboard base (white paper can be used);
- additional decorations in the fall style: gold beads, small stones;
- A rag to wipe the glue off.
Work algorithm:
- Suggest that the baby draw a picture on the base. Let it be a large tree with a lush crown. On the sky, you can draw the sun and clouds, on the ground - bushes and paths.
- Next, choose a basic shade for the tree - yellow, orange, brown. Paper is torn into pieces and glued evenly inside the contours of the tree. Dark color is used for the trunk, light colors - for the crown.
- Blue pieces cover the sky, leaving room for clouds.
- Yellow decorate the sun. Fine rays can be traced with a pencil or felt-tip pen.
- Glue the finishing touches - the stones on the ground, beads on a tree as a fruit.
The picture is ready, it can be framed. You can also wipe off the excess glue on the image before the glue dries completely.
Examples of finished work
For inspiration and ideas, you can look together with the children at variants of drawings on the Internet. Examples can be found on various creative sites, it will also be useful to look in art galleries and choose a simple drawing for further "rip-off" imitation of the original.
The product of children's creativity can be simple and unpretentious. But it is a very effective tool for activating imagination, different skills. And the pleasure of working with colored material children are great. Children in the process of painstaking work become assiduous, accurate and patient, which is very useful for further development.