Geometric shapes crafts: interesting applications and the most creative projects for school and kindergarten

We bring to your attention a huge space and the best selection of ideas for creativity from on the topic of geometric shapes crafts for children.

Surely each of you is familiar with hermetic concepts, and today from the needleworkers of our site we have made for you an entertaining master class, which will develop creativity and will occupy children with interesting fakes from paper or other materials.

What makes geometric shapes creativity so popular?

To begin with, we should consider that geometry is great for developing the perception of young children. The concept of a circle, oval, square and triangle will be one of the most basic in the modeling of fakes, and certainly how many ideas can be made on this topic, just not to count. However, about some of them we will talk today.

What do you need for modeling geometric shapes?

Prepare a working table and materials. As you know, usually kindergarteners are asked to make all sorts of fake shapes, and the first school classes also like to occupy children with creativity.

Creativity from geometric shapes develops spatial thinking, logic, the concept of color, shape and application of the object.

Thus, a circle can become the basis for a sun or lake, and, for example, several triangles can make a funny squirrel that will walk in a green meadow.The essence of geometric creativity is that it has no limits on the use of shapes. It can be figures as a strict proportion, and the slicing of some parts.

Another popular type of modeling with figures - jagged geometry.For "jagged" geometry you just need to tear figures of different sizes. Excellent option ripped strips, which then turn into small cubes.

Geometric shapes crafts for children have become very popular due to the fact that children really like to play with a variety of shapes and colors.


  • Glue,
  • Colored paper,
  • Cardboard,
  • Paints,
  • Glitter,
  • Rhinestones,
  • Stickers,
  • Natural Herbarium,
  • Scissors,
  • Stationery knife,
  • A compass (or any object that can be circled in place of an even circle.


Important: Counsel your child before starting to work with sharp objects. Show how to use a compass and what to do with the finished shape.

What can be made from geometry?

Paper crafts on the topic of geometric shapes are quite diverse in their execution. All you need is a few blanks, some paint and imagination.

Peacock .

To make a peacock it is enough to cut out the base in the form of a circle, on which the triangle is attached in the center. After that, you can paint our peacock with gorgeous feathers, and decorate its tail with sequins.

Chanterelle .

Fox can be made from several geometric shapes, where the basis will be taken triangles. The tip of her tail can be made from white paper, and paws, body and muzzle of triangles of different sizes. Connect a puzzle, and all done, the work is ready.

Butterfly .

One of the most interesting fakes for preschoolers will be a butterfly.

To create it, you can stencil a butterfly or make ready-made shapes of wings and body. For the wings we will need 4 blanks of large circles, a few small multi-colored circles, preferably in the same proportion, as well as triangles and a long elongated oval for the body of the butterfly.

Cat .

As the basis of a cat can take a circle, triangles will be ears, the body can be made in the form of a square, and the feet are made from rectangles. Thus, a child will be able to combine all the figures in a single composition.

Mosaics .

To make a mosaic just make a stencil, prepare colored parts and cut shapes, and after that, pour glue on the desired surface and sprinkle the workpieces there. Accurate distribution of mosaics will be very enjoyable for children who will try to "cover" all the "clean" areas of the mosaic with the right colors.

Volumetric shapes

Geometric shapes "volume" crafts are also quite popular. Not only can you indulge your imagination with them, but you can also be as creative as possible for your creativity!

Fake Piggy

For making piggies we need a rolled-up cylinder-tube sheet, to it as a foot do the stands of cardboard. On the head of the pig goes usual circle, in the center of which you can place a small stump.

The tail do the same. Finished model can be glued on a heavy sheet of paper.

Fake City in miniature

To make such a city you need a few matchboxes or similar structures. The boxes are glued with paper and make houses out of them.

In addition you can make small cars, as well as traffic lights.

A box of matchboxes

As you have already realized, for this imitation, we will just need to glue a few matchboxes together. Additionally, you can fasten them with a rubber band clerical, which will allow the design to glue tightly.

The finished box can be covered with paper, stickers or painted.

There are no limits in geometric creativity. As you understand, you can make all kinds of fakes. All you need for this, you already have at hand, and for decoration is enough a little fantasy.

In any case, the child will be very interesting to play and make different geometric pictures, so let your imagination run wild!

Photo ideas of geometric shapes crafts

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