Handmade crafts for the Senior Citizen's Day - the most creative ideas and examples of decoration (85 photos)

Senior Citizens Day is a holiday-reminder of the need to take care of the older generation. On this day it is customary to thank people of advanced age for their wise advice, presenting cute memorable souvenirs made with their own hands.

Funny figures

This is the most popular idea for a craft for the day of the elderly in kindergarten. Puppets representing grandparents can be anything: paper, textile, felt, etc.

Figurines from cones

These dolls are valued for their original appearance and ease of creation. You can make such a figure in 30 minutes. Necessary materials:

  • a set of colored paper;
  • markers;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard templates of hands, feet, head;
  • blanks for the cone;
  • absorbent cotton;
  • white or beige yarn;
  • hole punch, scissors.

Algorithm of steps:

  1. Cut out a cone from the workpiece, fix it with glue.
  2. Carefully make holes for hands. Thread through a piece of thread of desired length.
  3. Attach another double string to the thread, forming a gap for the legs.
  4. Glue the limb templates to the strings. Fix the head to the top of the craft.
  5. Glue the hairstyle of absorbent cotton. If you plan a male figure, make a mustache and beard.
  6. Paint the doll with markers.

Toys out of potatoes

Toy figures made of potatoes will long be remembered by all the household. To make an old man and an old lady, you will need a pair of potatoes of pinkish color. Dried chokeberries or black pepper peas can act as eyes.

The nose can be marked with smaller potatoes and the mouth with cherry tomatoes. It is recommended to use toothpicks to fix the parts. It is good to make a hairdo from yarn, hands - from twigs. You can complete the image with a headdress made from a cut of zucchini. The finished products should be placed in a suitably sized bow.


Postcards for the holiday of an elderly person can be made in different designs. It all depends on how old the child is. For very tiny children, it is better to use blanks prepared by parents. Older children can be offered to make a postcard book, decorated with volumetric decorations of any plot orientation.

Here is a master class for such a handcraft for the day of old people:

  1. Prepare about twenty paper hearts of the same color. Fold each one in half. Apply glue to the right sides of the pieces and overlap them on the cardboard to form the flowers.
  2. Glue the leaves and draw the stems with a green marker. It remains to write a congratulatory message.

Another option is a greeting card with three-dimensional flowers. Any pupil can make it. Needed materials: colorful paper, cardboard sheet of A4 format, PVA glue, templates of vase, leaves and flowers.

Order of steps:

  1. Pick cardboard for the base of the craft. Using the template, cut out a vase and attach it with glue to the cardboard sheet.
  2. Using blanks, cut out and glue the flowers. The one that is smaller should be placed on top. Twist the petals.
  3. Prepare a strip of paper. Its width should be equal to the diameter of the flower, and the length should be twice as long. Fold the strip in half along the long side and cut, creating a fringe.
  4. Connect the edges with glue and twist into a cylinder. This will be the bulk of the flower. It should be glued to a smaller flower blank. Next, you can make a couple more flower heads.
  5. Cut out and glue the leaves. The card can be signed.

Other ideas

Below are a few more options for grandparents.

Candy - a surprise

Representatives of the older generation will definitely appreciate things made with their own hands, because such handicrafts are always original and eco-friendly. An example is a candy surprise. To create it you will need:

  • any small candies;
  • a sleeve from toilet paper;
  • satin ribbon;
  • beautiful paper wrapping;
  • duct tape.


  1. Wrap the sleeve with a wrapping sheet.
  2. Secure with tape on the left edge.
  3. Tie the ribbon beautifully.
  4. Through the right edge of the fill cardboard cylinder with candy. Secure similarly steps 2 - 3.
  5. Sign the gift.

Stylish flower pot

In old age, people especially appreciate beautiful and practical products. To make a stylish flowerpot you will need:

  • A pair of CDs;
  • a flower pot made of plastic;
  • acrylic-based paint;
  • glue.

Sequence of action:

  1. Prepared discs cut into small pieces of any shape. It is better to do it in protective glasses - they will save your eyes from possible injury.
  2. Cover the pot with glue and lay the resulting blanks.
  3. After the glue dries, cover the space between the facing elements with paint of any color. The pot is ready!

A similar handicraft is designed for elementary school students.

Handicraft made of felt

This handicraft is made in the technique of applique. For its production need felt of different colors: flesh, gray, brown, white, black and red. The sketch of the old lady's face you can take from the Internet or draw yourself if you have the artistic ability.

Creating a souvenir is easy. Necessary details are cut out of felt of the appropriate color. Then they are connected with glue, creating a portrait of grandmother. On the back side, you can sew a small loop, so the gift can be hung on the wall.

Fancy box

If a household has an unnecessary shoe box - do not rush to throw it away. From it you can make a wonderful box to store tailor's accessories, medicines, magazine clippings.

The box should be wrapped with self-adhesive paper, and then decorated with rhinestones, beads, lace, paper or dried flowers, seeds or ribbons. Afterwards, you will need to varnish the item to give it durability.

Crafts for the elderly can be very different. The main thing is that they were given from the heart. Older people will be happy with any gift from their offspring, so do not limit your imagination.

Photo ideas for elderly people's day crafts

Tips to read


