Crafts for a child 2 years - easy master classes of improvised materials for simple and clear schemes

It seems that a child will not be interested in sitting for 10 minutes to make a craft? Then we want to dispel any doubts! If you just start "creating", you will immediately notice the sincere fascination and interest of a small two-year-old baby. Parents will also be seriously interested!)

The benefits of crafts

At 2 years old, the child becomes curious and active. This is the time to introduce your beloved child to creativity! Any handmade crafts for children 2 years old are beneficial:

  • Strengthen friendships with parents, grandparents;
  • Stimulate mental activity;
  • Develop creativity;
  • Develop fine motor skills of hands;
  • Contribute to the development of speech, understanding proportions, colors, texture, geometric shapes;
  • Strengthen memory and the ability to express themselves;
  • Deliver aesthetic pleasure.

It is better to do creative work when the child is in a good mood. It is important to work with him, not instead of him!

Paper options

Paper - the most budget and affordable way for children's crafts. It can be folded, crumpled, torn, glued ... From it you can make a house, a butterfly, a snowman, a sun, a tree, a hedgehog. Details need to cut out and prepare in advance, because a kid at such a young age cannot take scissors in his hands.

Such paper crafts (often in the form of applique) for children 2 years can be combined with the study of material:

  • learning to count;
  • Learn about animals;
  • Learn the seasons;
  • recognize colors.

Multi-layered applique

To make an applique, you need to stock up on templates or pre-made figures. The child can be explained in advance what will turn out and what he can do. Baby can be trusted to glue or submit figures. Here is what you can do if you want:

  • Snail (from circles);
  • Piglet (on the base to fix one circle, and add to it the head, ears, eyes);
  • Rose (by imposing detail one on another).

Crafts of colored paper for children 2 years old will develop their imagination and instill a desire to do something with their own hands.

Plasticine crafts

You can do a lot of things with plasticine crafts (for kids 2 years old)! This malleable material will definitely please your child. He can roll it into a ball or a sausage. With the help of adults, a child can mold a kolobok, a cat, a bunny...

Painting with Plasticine

You can paint with plasticine! It is possible to prepare in advance a certain drawing, which will soon be painted with plasticine elements. The composition can use flowers, mushrooms, balls, sunshine, grass, a tree ... Better yet, ask your child what he wants and help him.

Plasticine pictures

They almost also look like drawings, but more colorful. In them, plasticine is used instead of glue, i.e. buttons, paper figures, macaroni and beads are placed on top of it.

Finger Arts

Does your child like to draw? Then you can give him the opportunity! For this purpose, you can dilute paint (preferably gouache) in a jar lid. You can outline a drawing on a sheet of paper and tell your child in advance which borders you shouldn't go beyond and where to put your finger... Babies like to repeat the same action several times, so this method can be used in new works of baby.

You can ask your baby to leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and next to it, you can make a handprint of mom or dad. So you get a family drawing that will long be remembered.

Potato stamps

Stamps are shaped stamps. They can be made out of potatoes. For them to be colored, you need to take any deep container, add gouache and a little glue. If you want to get saturated, colored marks, you can add a little flour to this well-stirred consistency.

The improvised stamp should be dipped into the paint, and then it is necessary to "trace" it on the paper. Voila, beautiful footprints are ready!)

Plastic crafts

If you have plastic bottles at home, then feel free to use them!

A vase for flowers

To create an original vase, you need to take any bottle, decorate it with paints. To make it beautiful, you can decorate it with corrugated paper. You can go further: use colorful napkins, cardboard strips, backgrounds, sequins to make flowers and twigs. A homemade vase looks decent with a bright ribbon.


If the previous vase was created for beauty, the feeder is made for a good cause. It can be obtained from an ordinary plastic bottle, cut through the middle. To make it hold firmly on the tree or balcony, you need to tie it with rope or jute thread.

To make it convenient for the birds to feed, you can supplement the feeder with plastic or wooden spoons by making additional holes in it. And of course, do not forget to add food: millet, bread, seeds!)

Cereal crafts

Kids 2 years old should like crafts from buckwheat, rice, millet... The main feature - originality. And by the way, the finer the groats, the better. Using only one kind is boring. Therefore, you need to come up with drawing ideas (or find ready-made options in children's books, on the Internet, coloring books), where you can apply several options. The material can be painted in a different color. For example, many people like to repaint semolina.

Instead of a template, you can use anything: cardboard, a photo frame, glass, a flower pot... But remember, the more complicated the base, the harder it is to make a pattern! And you will definitely need glue with a brush in the work.

Hair Accessories

The little one will most likely appreciate a hair ornament or a macaroni hand bracelet. Fortunately, pasta manufacturers have developed beautiful and design that can also apply in the craft.

For example, on a thin headband you can glue a few macarons, pre-painted in the color you like. On an ordinary thread, you can place or wear macaroni in the form of bows, wheels, scallops, snails.

Crafts are a great idea for spending time with your child. The child is happy, and the parents are happy!

Photo of craft ideas for kids 2 years old

Tips for you to read


