Isolon handicrafts - the best projects and description of creating products
The abundance of the modern world, the mass of proposals from manufacturers in every field, the opportunity to buy everything the imagination can do - this is probably the incentive for needleworkers. Many cannot imagine themselves without creativity, although everything that is created by their hands can be bought in souvenir stores.
Isolon - what is it?
This is a high-tech material made of polyethylene foam. Its structure, it is a fine-meshed fabric, the sphere of application - insulation, heat, waterproofing. The material turned out to be so versatile that it was used far beyond its intended purpose: it is used to make decorative jewelry, souvenirs, lamps, nightlights, floor lamps, 3D panels.
Its plasticity is similar to foamiran - as capable of deformation when heated, it also "remembers" the shape given to it. It is not so strong, so it can tear during modeling - this must be taken into account when working with it. Isolon is odorless, not afraid of moisture, affordable.
Peculiarities of working with Izolon
The material is so simple that it takes almost no time to master the skills of working with it.The experience will come during the manufacture of the first - second product. Methods of work do not require any special tools.
All you need for step by step making crafts out of Izolon with your own handsis a master class and tools - scissors or a box cutter, a glue gun, a hair dryer. Only acrylic paints are suitable for coloring the material.
- Isolon is easy to cut, so take ordinary scissors: tailor's or stationery scissors. Some people prefer to cut out parts with a box cutter.
- To give the part the desired shape, the material is heated to 70-85 degrees. It does not melt, does not smell, but it becomes malleable, stretches, changes shape, keeping it after cooling.
- Styrofoam can only be glued with a glue gun or spot heating. Sometimes the parts are stapled together or simply stapled, if the design allows.
There is one more peculiarity to keep in mind when starting to make crafts. White insulation poorly tolerates UV - rays, over time it turns yellow. If the craft is intended for the garden, it is better to give preference to a colored material: it is more resistant to UV radiation.
Types of crafts from isolon
Plastic, versatile, lightweight, "grateful" material allows you to use it to perform a variety of crafts from isolon with their own hands - from floral miniatures, the size of 2-3 cm, to the rose flowers. For small items in the work use thin isolon, for the growth figures - thicker.
Dolls. Usually, for the basis take a normal doll and create a unique outfit, turning the toy into a fairy tale princess. Three basic types of techniques are used.
- Dress with wavy pleats, voluminous and puffy, create a simple stretching of the edges of the skirt.
- Dress of applique details made in the technique of layer-by-layer fixing of cut out parts on the cone-base.
- The dress with ruffles is made of isolon ribbons that are given the necessary waviness beforehand. Ribbons pasted cone, performing 2-3 rows.
Puppet outfits require decorations with beads, rhinestones, glitter, etc. Use dyeing, toning with acrylic enamel. Types Isoleon crafts with their own hands - master class Their performance can be found on the Internet, for example, dolls-light bulbs. This is a special kind of making dolls - under the puffy skirt they install a socket with a light bulb. If the figure is colored outfit, and the light becomes colored, which is very nice to small children.
Rostovnye floral compositions will require additional costs.Despite the lightness of the material, in assembled form, large flowers are already quite weighty and they need a stable support. Such a platform can be:
- welded - rods of a certain diameter are welded on a metal base for subsequent attachment of flower stems to them;
- Concrete, when the stems are inserted into the mold, poured with mortar.
- Support cachepots - basins, a vase, a pot, a bucket are poured with cement mortar and the rods are fixed in it.
Metal-plastic pipes of small diameter are used as stems for growth compositions. By heating them, they are bent, giving the desired slope. Often the rounded pipes themselves serve as a base. A live tree branch used as a stem looks spectacular. Such flowers can be hung on hooks, mounted on the walls as a panel.
The flower itself is formed from separate, prepared elements. The term "prepared" means that all the petals have been heat-treated.
- The flower begins to form around the central bud, gluing the petals to it one by one. All flowers have the original shape of the petals, which must be remembered when cutting out blanks.
- Making a peony is similar to making a rose, the only difference is the shape of the bud and the heat treatment of the petals - the peony has a finely wavy edge.
- For the tulip, four petals are joined together in pairs and glued around the stem.
- To make a chrysanthemum, you will need a lot of small parts-petals made of thin material.
Artisans use wire and plastic tubes for stems of small flowers. From isolon they make flowers of all varieties: roses and peonies, hyacinths and irises, gladioluses and snowdrops, daffodils and asters, gerberas and sunflowers... There is no limit to fantasy, a creative person can create an infinite variety of forms. Not left out of the homestead, garden areas - swans, mushrooms, flowers, palm trees, figurines.
Foil form is ideal for New Year's Eve crafts out of Isolon. Because of the affordable price is in high demand in kindergartens, municipal schools. White color and foil, this is what you need to create winter compositions.
A rose flower is a peony.
Growing flowers, it is always beautiful, spectacular. Such a detail can be an accent of the interior. Large floral compositions decorate official premises for festive events, such as registry offices, photo studios. However, this does not mean that there is no place for such beauty in the living room.
First of all, the rose flowers can be different sizes - they do not necessarily have to be one and a half to two meters high. Interior flower is quite enough 80-100 cm. Secondly, apartments use high floor lamps, wall lamps, which means there will be room for a large flower.
The process of making a large peony will be shown below. To get a quality flower, you need isolon with a thickness of three millimeters. In addition, you will need a template of three, six elements - for the pattern of petals, leaves, sepals. To the attention of the creative person is presented Isolon handicraft with his hands step by step: detailed plan.
- scissors;
- construction hairdryer;
- glue gun;
- flower stand;
- metal pipe for the stem;
- a drill for the holes for the leaf petioles;
- Acrylic paint, preferably an aerosol.
- Styrofoam base ball for the bud (you can make your own hands from foil or scraps of isolone);
Choosing the color of the future composition, it is important to remember - the closer to the natural range, the better. Cut out templates of petals, sepals, leaves.
The number of petals depends on the size of the flower.
- Use a hair dryer to shape the petals. Heating them, they are slightly stretched, crumpled, and give a natural curvature. A little advice: to make it clearer, take a sample of a living flower, study its structure.
- On a scrap of plastic pipe with a diameter of three centimeters form the basis for the bud. The remaining pieces of insulation are heated over a hairdryer and glued to the tube. It is desirable to make the core not round but elongated, oval shape.
- The prepared middle is glued with petals. Start with small, gluing one by one with a slight overlap. The curves are directed to the center of the flower. All petals are glued on, gradually passing to the larger ones, until you have a finished bud.
- When the bud is ready, the sepals are glued to the base, decorating the underside.
- Leaves of the peony should also warm up a little, give them a "live" form, drawing, or rather, slightly squeezing, with a pencil facet, veins.
- Drill holes in the stem-tube under the leaf petioles, fix them.
- Stems are fixed in the base-stand, the entire structure is assembled, and the growing peony, made by hand, is ready.
The number of flowers on the stand depends on the desire of the master.
Universal material can not only satisfy a person's passion for creativity, but also turn the interior of your own home into something unique, individual and unique.